What's the difference between
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Abrasion vs Chaff - What's the difference?

abrasion | chaff |

As nouns the difference between abrasion and chaff

is that abrasion is abrasion while chaff is the inedible parts of a grain-producing plant.

As a verb chaff is

to use light, idle language by way of fun or ridicule; to banter.

Grist vs Chaff - What's the difference?

grist | chaff |

As nouns the difference between grist and chaff

is that grist is grain that is to be ground in a mill while chaff is the inedible parts of a grain-producing plant.

As a verb chaff is

to use light, idle language by way of fun or ridicule; to banter.

Chaff vs Hay - What's the difference?

chaff | hay |

As nouns the difference between chaff and hay

is that chaff is the inedible parts of a grain-producing plant while hay is grass cut and dried for use as animal fodder.

As verbs the difference between chaff and hay

is that chaff is to use light, idle language by way of fun or ridicule; to banter while hay is to cut grasses or herb plants for use as animal fodder.

Chaff vs Scuff - What's the difference?

chaff | scuff |

As nouns the difference between chaff and scuff

is that chaff is the inedible parts of a grain-producing plant while scuff is the back part of the neck; the scruff.

As verbs the difference between chaff and scuff

is that chaff is to use light, idle language by way of fun or ridicule; to banter while scuff is to mishit (a shot on a ball) due to poor contact with the ball.

As an adjective scuff is

caused by scraping, usually with one's feet.

Straw vs Chaff - What's the difference?

straw | chaff |

As nouns the difference between straw and chaff

is that straw is a dried stalk of a cereal plant while chaff is the inedible parts of a grain-producing plant.

As an adjective straw

is made of straw.

As a proper noun Straw

is {{surname|from=nicknames}.

As a verb chaff is

to use light, idle language by way of fun or ridicule; to banter.

Chaff vs Stalk - What's the difference?

chaff | stalk |

In intransitive terms the difference between chaff and stalk

is that chaff is to use light, idle language by way of fun or ridicule; to banter while stalk is to walk haughtily.

In transitive terms the difference between chaff and stalk

is that chaff is to make fun of; to turn into ridicule by addressing in ironical or bantering language; to quiz while stalk is to (try to) follow or contact someone constantly, often resulting in harassment.Wp

Jolly vs Chaff - What's the difference?

jolly | chaff | Related terms |

Jolly is a related term of chaff.

As a proper noun jolly

is (female).

As a noun chaff is

the inedible parts of a grain-producing plant.

As a verb chaff is

to use light, idle language by way of fun or ridicule; to banter.

Taunt vs Chaff - What's the difference?

taunt | chaff | Related terms |

Taunt is a related term of chaff.

As verbs the difference between taunt and chaff

is that taunt is to make fun of (someone); to (a person) into responding, often in an aggressive manner while chaff is to use light, idle language by way of fun or ridicule; to banter.

As nouns the difference between taunt and chaff

is that taunt is a scornful or mocking remark; a jeer or mockery while chaff is the inedible parts of a grain-producing plant.

As an adjective taunt

is (nautical) very high or tall.

Chaff vs Shuck - What's the difference?

chaff | shuck |

In lang=en terms the difference between chaff and shuck

is that chaff is to make fun of; to turn into ridicule by addressing in ironical or bantering language; to quiz while shuck is to remove (any outer covering).

As nouns the difference between chaff and shuck

is that chaff is the inedible parts of a grain-producing plant while shuck is the shell or husk, especially of grains (eg corn/maize) or nuts (eg walnuts).

As verbs the difference between chaff and shuck

is that chaff is to use light, idle language by way of fun or ridicule; to banter while shuck is to remove the shuck from (walnuts, oysters, etc).

Wikidiffcom vs Chaff - What's the difference?

wikidiffcom | chaff |

As a noun chaff is

the inedible parts of a grain-producing plant.

As a verb chaff is

to use light, idle language by way of fun or ridicule; to banter.
