kilometer |
centimeter |
1 kilometer is 100000 centimeters
1 centimeter is 1.0E-5 kilometers
As nouns the difference between kilometer and centimeter
is that
kilometer is kilometer (
us''), kilometre (''uk ) while
centimeter is centimetre (
uk), centimeter (
length |
centimeter |
As nouns the difference between length and centimeter
is that
length is the distance measured along the longest dimension of an object while
centimeter is centimetre (
uk), centimeter (
As a verb length
is (obsolete) to lengthen.
wikidiffcom |
centimeter |
As a noun centimeter is
centimetre (
uk), centimeter (
nanometer |
centimeter |
1 nanometer is 1.0E-7 centimeters
1 centimeter is 10000000 nanometers
As nouns the difference between nanometer and centimeter
is that
nanometer is nanometre (
uk), nanometer (
us); symbol: nm while
centimeter is centimetre (
uk), centimeter (
centimeter |
inches |
As nouns the difference between centimeter and inches
is that
centimeter is centimetre (
uk), centimeter (
us) while
inches is .
As a verb inches is
taxonomy |
centimeter |
As nouns the difference between taxonomy and centimeter
is that
taxonomy is the science or the technique used to make a classification while
centimeter is an alternative spelling of from=US|lang=en.
centimeter |
chadharapucentimeter |
centimeter |
subcentimeter |
As a noun centimeter
is an alternative spelling of from=US|lang=en.
As an adjective subcentimeter is
having dimensions less than a centimeter.
centimeter |
arshin |
As nouns the difference between centimeter and arshin
is that
centimeter is centimetre (
uk), centimeter (
us) while
arshin is an obsolete russian length unit, equal to 7112 centimeters.