scratching |
cat |
As a verb scratching
is .
As a noun scratching
is the act or sound of something being scratched.
As an adverb cat is
how much.
As an adjective cat is
how much.
cat |
homomorphism |
As an adverb cat
is how much.
As an adjective cat
is how much.
As a noun homomorphism is
(algebra) a structure-preserving map between two algebraic structures, such as groups, rings, or vector spaces.
cat |
anabolism |
As an adverb cat
is how much.
As an adjective cat
is how much.
As a noun anabolism is
the constructive metabolism of the body, as distinguished from catabolism.
cat |
cre |
As an adverb cat
is how much.
As an adjective cat
is how much.
As an initialism cre is
cat |
ukraine |
As an adverb cat
is how much.
As an adjective cat
is how much.
As a proper noun ukraine is
cat |
kings |
As an adverb cat
is how much.
As an adjective cat
is how much.
As a proper noun kings is
(biblical) one of the various books called
kings in the old testament of bible, and of the tanakh variously known as.
fountain |
cat |
As a noun fountain
is (
label) a spring, natural source of water.
As a verb fountain
is to flow or gush as if from a fountain.
As an adverb cat is
how much.
As an adjective cat is
how much.
salmon |
cat |
As a proper noun salmon
is .
As an adverb cat is
how much.
As an adjective cat is
how much.
spinach |
cat |
As a noun spinach
is a particular edible plant,
spinacia oleracea , or its leaves.
As an adverb cat is
how much.
As an adjective cat is
how much.
contractor |
cat |
As a noun contractor
is a person who executes the building or improving of buildings.
As an adverb cat is
how much.
As an adjective cat is
how much.