What's the difference between
Enter two words to compare and contrast their definitions, origins, and synonyms to better understand how those words are related.


Calf vs Caf - What's the difference?

calf | caf |

As nouns the difference between calf and caf

is that calf is a young cow or bull while caf is café.

Calf vs Calc - What's the difference?

calf | calc |

As nouns the difference between calf and calc

is that calf is a young cow or bull or calf can be (anatomy) the back of the leg below the knee while calc is lime (substance).

Calf vs Calk - What's the difference?

calf | calk |

As nouns the difference between calf and calk

is that calf is a young cow or bull or calf can be (anatomy) the back of the leg below the knee while calk is a pointed projection on a horseshoe to prevent it slipping.

As a verb calk is

or calk can be to copy (a drawing) by rubbing the back of it with red or black chalk, and then passing a blunt stylus or needle over the lines, so as to leave a tracing on the paper or other thing against which it is laid or held.

Calf vs Calp - What's the difference?

calf | calp |

As nouns the difference between calf and calp

is that calf is a young cow or bull while calp is a dark shaly limestone occurring in the Carboniferous limestone of Ireland.

Calf vs Cal - What's the difference?

calf | cal |

As nouns the difference between calf and cal

is that calf is a young cow or bull or calf can be (anatomy) the back of the leg below the knee while cal is kale; cabbage.

Calf vs Cauf - What's the difference?

calf | cauf |

As nouns the difference between calf and cauf

is that calf is a young cow or bull or calf can be (anatomy) the back of the leg below the knee while cauf is a chest with holes for keeping fish alive in water or cauf can be .

Calf vs Calm - What's the difference?

calf | calm |

As nouns the difference between calf and calm

is that calf is a young cow or bull while calm is the state of being calm; peacefulness; absence of worry, anger, fear or other strong negative emotion.

As an adjective calm is

peaceful, quiet, especially free from anger and anxiety.

As a verb calm is

to make calm.

Calf vs Calx - What's the difference?

calf | calx |

As nouns the difference between calf and calx

is that calf is a young cow or bull or calf can be (anatomy) the back of the leg below the knee while calx is (archaic) the substance which remains after a metal or mineral has been thoroughly burnt, seen as being the essential substance left after the expulsion of phlogiston.

Calf vs Half - What's the difference?

calf | half |

As nouns the difference between calf and half

is that calf is a young cow or bull or calf can be (anatomy) the back of the leg below the knee while half is one of two usually roughly equal parts into which anything may be divided, or considered as divided; — sometimes followed by of; as, a half of an apple.

As an adjective half is

consisting of a moiety, or half (1/2, 50%).

As an adverb half is

in two equal parts or to an equal degree; in some part approximating a half; partially; imperfectly.

As a verb half is

to halve.

As a preposition half is

a half-hour after, thirty minutes after (used with the number of the hour).

Calf vs Call - What's the difference?

calf | call |

As nouns the difference between calf and call

is that calf is a young cow or bull or calf can be (anatomy) the back of the leg below the knee while call is a telephone conversation.

As a verb call is

(lb) to use one's voice .
