What's the difference between
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Boot vs Boet - What's the difference?

boot | boet |

As nouns the difference between boot and boet

is that boot is boat while boet is (south africa|informal) a brother, often prefixed informally to a man’s first name.

Boot vs Aboot - What's the difference?

boot | aboot |

As a noun boot

is a heavy shoe that covers part of the leg.

As a verb boot

is to kick.

As a preposition aboot is

eye dialect of lang=en.

Boot vs Bost - What's the difference?

boot | bost |

As nouns the difference between boot and bost

is that boot is boat while bost is breast.

Boot vs Boog - What's the difference?

boot | boog |

As a noun boot

is boat.

As a verb boog is

(label) to dance; to go boogiewooging.

Boot vs Bort - What's the difference?

boot | bort |

As nouns the difference between boot and bort

is that boot is boat while bort is (uncountable) poor quality diamond, used for industrial cutting or abrasion; a poorly crystallized diamond.

Boot vs Poot - What's the difference?

boot | poot |

As nouns the difference between boot and poot

is that boot is a heavy shoe that covers part of the leg while poot is a fart, perhaps a relatively quiet one.

As verbs the difference between boot and poot

is that boot is to kick while poot is to fart.

Boot vs Beot - What's the difference?

boot | beot |

As nouns the difference between boot and beot

is that boot is boat while beot is a boast, threat, boastful speech.

Boot vs Boof - What's the difference?

boot | boof |

As nouns the difference between boot and boof

is that boot is boat while boof is the method by which kayakers “jump” hydraulic backwash, known as holes or hydraulic jumps, in high-gradient mountain rivers the action is analogous to a skier jumping a cliff.

Boot vs Boon - What's the difference?

boot | boon |

In obsolete terms the difference between boot and boon

is that boot is profit; gain; advantage; use while boon is good; prosperous; as, "boon voyage.

In archaic terms the difference between boot and boon

is that boot is a place for baggage at either end of an old-fashioned stagecoach while boon is that which is asked or granted as a benefit or favor; a gift; a favour; benefaction; a grant; a present.

As nouns the difference between boot and boon

is that boot is a heavy shoe that covers part of the leg while boon is a prayer; petition.

As a verb boot

is to kick.

As an adjective boon is

good; prosperous; as, "boon voyage.

Boot vs Oot - What's the difference?

boot | oot |

As a noun boot

is boat.

As a pronoun oot is

(geordie) anything.
