bitt |
bits |
As nouns the difference between bitt and bits
is that
bitt is (nautical) the bitts while
bits is .
As a verb bitt
is (nautical) to put round the bitts.
bits |
brits |
As nouns the difference between bits and brits
is that
bits is while
brits is .
bites |
bits |
As nouns the difference between bites and bits
is that
bites is plural of lang=en while
bits is plural of lang=en.
As a verb bites
is third-person singular of bite.
bite |
bits |
As a proper noun bite
is .
As a noun bits is
its |
bits |
As an initialism its
is (computing).
As a noun bits is
hertz |
bits |
As nouns the difference between hertz and bits
is that
hertz is in the International System of Units, the derived unit of frequency; one (period or cycle of any periodic event) per second. Symbol: Hz while
bits is plural of lang=en.