bites |
bytes |
As nouns the difference between bites and bytes
is that
bites is while
bytes is .
As a verb bites
is (
bites |
bited |
As verbs the difference between bites and bited
is that
bites is (
bite) while
bited is (nonstandard) (
As a noun bites
is .
bites |
bitee |
As nouns the difference between bites and bitee
is that
bites is plural of lang=en while
bitee is one who is bitten.
As a verb bites
is third-person singular of bite.
bites |
bines |
As nouns the difference between bites and bines
is that
bites is while
bines is .
As a verb bites
is (
bices |
bites |
As nouns the difference between bices and bites
is that
bices is plural of lang=en while
bites is plural of lang=en.
As a verb bites is
third-person singular of bite.
biters |
bites |
As nouns the difference between biters and bites
is that
biters is while
bites is .
As a verb bites is
bides |
bites |
As nouns the difference between bides and bites
is that
bides is while
bites is .
As a verb bites is
bites |
cites |
As nouns the difference between bites and cites
is that
bites is while
cites is .
As verbs the difference between bites and cites
is that
bites is (
bite) while
cites is .
bates |
bites |
As verbs the difference between bates and bites
is that
bates is while
bites is (
As a noun bites is
bites |
nites |
As nouns the difference between bites and nites
is that
bites is plural of lang=en while
nites is plural of nite.
As a verb bites
is third-person singular of bite.