What's the difference between
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Excellent vs Admirable - What's the difference?

excellent | admirable | Related terms |

Excellent is a related term of admirable.

As adjectives the difference between excellent and admirable

is that excellent is of the highest quality; splendid while admirable is deserving of the highest esteem or admiration.

As an adverb excellent

is (obsolete) excellently.

Creditable vs Admirable - What's the difference?

creditable | admirable | Synonyms |

Creditable is a synonym of admirable.

As adjectives the difference between creditable and admirable

is that creditable is credible or believable while admirable is deserving of the highest esteem or admiration.

Superlative vs Admirable - What's the difference?

superlative | admirable | Related terms |

As adjectives the difference between superlative and admirable

is that superlative is exceptionally good; of the highest quality; superb while admirable is deserving of the highest esteem or admiration.

As a noun superlative

is the highest extent or degree of something.

Admirable vs Admired - What's the difference?

admirable | admired |

As an adjective admirable

is deserving of the highest esteem or admiration.

As a verb admired is

past tense of admire.

Good vs Admirable - What's the difference?

good | admirable |

As a proper noun good

is .

As an adjective admirable is

deserving of the highest esteem or admiration.

Admirable - What does it mean?

admirable | |

is likely misspelled.

has no English definition.

As an adjective admirable

is deserving of the highest esteem or admiration.

Incomparable vs Admirable - What's the difference?

incomparable | admirable | Related terms |

Incomparable is a related term of admirable.

As adjectives the difference between incomparable and admirable

is that incomparable is so much better than another as to be beyond comparison; matchless or unsurpassed while admirable is deserving of the highest esteem or admiration.

Matchless vs Admirable - What's the difference?

matchless | admirable | Related terms |

Matchless is a related term of admirable.

As adjectives the difference between matchless and admirable

is that matchless is having no match; without equal while admirable is deserving of the highest esteem or admiration.

Admirable vs Fastidious - What's the difference?

admirable | fastidious | Related terms |

Admirable is a related term of fastidious.

As adjectives the difference between admirable and fastidious

is that admirable is deserving of the highest esteem or admiration while fastidious is excessively particular, demanding, or fussy about details, especially about tidiness and cleanliness.

Admirable vs Perfect - What's the difference?

admirable | perfect | Related terms |

Admirable is a related term of perfect.

As adjectives the difference between admirable and perfect

is that admirable is deserving of the highest esteem or admiration while perfect is fitting its definition precisely.

As a noun perfect is

(grammar) the perfect tense, or a form in that tense.

As a verb perfect is

to make perfect; to improve or hone.
