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Abstain vs Give - What's the difference?

abstain | give | Synonyms |

Abstain is a synonym of give.

In lang=en terms the difference between abstain and give

is that abstain is deliberately refrain from casting one's vote at a meeting where one is present while give is to lead (onto or into).

As verbs the difference between abstain and give

is that abstain is (transitive|reflexive|obsolete) keep or withhold oneself
while give is (may take two objects) to move, shift, provide something abstract or concrete to someone or something or somewhere.

As a noun give is

(uncountable) the amount of bending that something undergoes when a force is applied to it.

Banish vs Abstain - What's the difference?

banish | abstain |

As verbs the difference between banish and abstain

is that banish is (label) to send someone away and forbid that person from returning while abstain is (transitive|reflexive|obsolete) keep or withhold oneself .

Abstain vs Forfeit - What's the difference?

abstain | forfeit |

As verbs the difference between abstain and forfeit

is that abstain is (transitive|reflexive|obsolete) keep or withhold oneself while forfeit is to suffer the loss of something by wrongdoing or non-compliance.

As a noun forfeit is

a penalty for or consequence of a misdemeanor.

As an adjective forfeit is

lost or alienated for an offense or crime; liable to penal seizure.

Abstain vs Seperate - What's the difference?

abstain | seperate |

As verbs the difference between abstain and seperate

is that abstain is (transitive|reflexive|obsolete) keep or withhold oneself while seperate is .

As an adjective seperate is


Abstain vs Without - What's the difference?

abstain | without |

As a verb abstain

is keep or withhold oneself.

As an adverb without is

outside, externally.

As a preposition without is

outside of, beyond.

As a conjunction without is

unless, except (introducing a clause).

Abstain vs Temperate - What's the difference?

abstain | temperate |

As verbs the difference between abstain and temperate

is that abstain is keep or withhold oneself while temperate is to render temperate; to moderate; to soften; to temper.

As an adjective temperate is

moderate; not excessive; as, temperate heat; a temperate climate.

Abstain vs Selfcontrol - What's the difference?

abstain | selfcontrol |

Abstain vs Forego - What's the difference?

abstain | forego |

As verbs the difference between abstain and forego

is that abstain is keep or withhold oneself while forego is to precede, to go before.

Abstain vs Refrine - What's the difference?

abstain | refrine |

Refrine is likely misspelled.

Refrine has no English definition.

As a verb abstain

is keep or withhold oneself.

Abstain vs Refrane - What's the difference?

abstain | refrane |

Refrane is likely misspelled.

Refrane has no English definition.

As a verb abstain

is keep or withhold oneself.
