Tag vs Ticket - What's the difference?
tag | ticket | Related terms |
A small label.
A game played by two or more children in which one child (known as "it") attempts to catch one of the others, who then becomes "it".
A skin tag, an excrescence of skin.
A type of cardboard.
Graffiti in the form of a stylized signature particular to the person who makes the graffiti.
A dangling lock of sheep's wool, matted with dung; a dung tag.
An attribution in narrated dialogue (eg, "he said").
(chiefly, US) a vehicle number plate; a medal bearing identification data (animals, soldiers).
(baseball) An instance of touching the baserunner with the ball or the ball in a gloved hand.
(computing) A piece of markup representing an element in a markup language.
Tag is a related term of ticket.
As an abbreviation tag
is .As a noun ticket is
(wikipedia tag)Etymology 1
(en noun)- The tag was applied at second for the final out.
- The
</code> <strong>tag </strong> provides a title for the Web page. </em> </dd></dl> <dl><dd><em>The <code><sarcasm></code> <strong>tag </strong> conveys sarcasm in Internet slang. </em> </dd></dl> <li> (computing) A keyword, term, or phrase associated with or assigned to data, media, and/or information enabling keyword-based classification; often used to categorize content. </li> <dl><dd><em>I want to add genre and artist <strong>tags </strong> to the files in my music collection. </em> </dd></dl> <li> Any slight appendage, as to an article of dress; something slight hanging loosely. </li> <li> A metallic binding, tube, or point, at the end of a string, or lace, to stiffen it. </li> <li> The end, or catchword, of an actor's speech; cue. </li> <li> Something mean and paltry; the rabble. </li> <li> A sheep in its first year. </li> <dl><dd>(<i>Halliwell</i>) </dd></dl> <li> (<i>lb</i>) Any short peptide sequence artificially attached to proteins mostly in order to help purify, solubilize or visualize these proteins. </li> </div><div class='fourth-Verb'><h4>Verb</h4> (<i>tagg</i>) <li> To label (something). </li> <li> (graffiti) To mark (something) with one’s tag. </li> <li> To remove dung tags from a sheep. </li> <dl><dd><em>Regularly <strong>tag </strong> the rear ends of your sheep. </em> </dd></dl> <li> (transitive, baseball, colloquial) To hit the ball hard. </li> <dl><dd><em>He really <strong>tagged </strong> that ball. </em> </dd></dl> <li> (baseball) To put a runner out by touching them with the ball or the ball in a gloved hand. </li> <dl><dd><em>He <strong>tagged </strong> the runner for the out. </em> </dd></dl> <li> (computing) To mark with a tag (metadata for classification). </li> <dl><dd><em>I am <strong>tagging </strong> my music files by artist and genre. </em> </dd></dl> <li> To follow closely, accompany, tag along. </li> <li>* <strong>1906 </strong>, O. Henry, <em> </em> </li> <dl><dd><i>A tall young man came striding through the park along the path near which she sat. Behind him <strong>tagged </strong> a boy carrying a suit-case. </i></dd></dl> <li> To catch and touch (a player in the game of tag). </li> <li> To fit with, or as if with, a tag or tags. </li> <li>* Macaulay </li> <dl><dd><i>He learned to make long-<strong>tagged </strong> thread laces. </i></dd></dl> <li>* Dryden </li> <dl><dd><i>His courteous host / <strong>Tags </strong> every sentence with some fawning word. </i></dd></dl> <li> To fasten; to attach. </li> <dl><dd>(<i>Bolingbroke</i>) </dd></dl> </div><div class='fifth-Derived terms'><h5>Derived terms</h5> * tag along * tag cloud * tag end * ! * tag out * phone tag * telephone tag </div><div class='third-Etymology 2'><h3>Etymology 2</h3> From (<i>etyl</i>) . </div><div class='fourth-Noun'><h4>Noun</h4> (<i>tagin</i>) <li> A decoration drawn over some Hebrew letters in Jewish scrolls. </li> </div><div class='third-Anagrams'><h3>Anagrams</h3> * ---- </div></cite></div><div class='definition' style='width:43%;max-width:43%;float:left;text-align:left;'><cite tite="http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ticket"><a href="http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ticket"><h1> ticket </h1></a><div class='second-English'><h2>English</h2> </div><div class='third-Noun'><h3>Noun</h3> (<i>en-noun</i>) <li> A pass entitling the holder to admission to a show, concert, etc. </li> <li> A pass entitling the holder to board a train, a bus, a plane, or other means of transportation </li> <li> A citation for a traffic violation. <!-- US only? --> </li> <li> A permit to operate a machine on a construction site. <!-- Australia only? --> </li> <li> A service request, used to track complaints or requests that an issue be handled. (Generally Internet Service Provider related). </li> <li> (informal) A list of candidates for an election, or a particular theme to a candidate's manifesto. </li> <dl><dd><em>Joe has joined the party's <strong>ticket </strong> for the county elections. </em> </dd></dl> <dl><dd><em>Joe will be running on an anti-crime <strong>ticket </strong>. </em> </dd></dl> <li> A solution to a problem; something that is needed. </li> <dl><dd><em>That's the <strong>ticket </strong>. </em> </dd></dl> <dl><dd><em>I saw my first bike as my <strong>ticket </strong> to freedom. </em> </dd></dl> <li>* {{quote-book </li> , year=1884 , author=Mark Twain , title=Adventures of Huckleberry Finn , chapter=34 , url= , isbn=0-553-21079-3 , page= , passage="Here's the <strong>ticket </strong>. This hole's big enough for Jim to get through if we wrench off the board."}} <li> (dated) A little note or notice. </li> <li>* Fuller </li> <dl><dd><i>He constantly read his lectures twice a week for above forty years, giving notice of the time to his auditors in a <strong>ticket </strong> on the school doors. </i></dd></dl> <li> (dated) A tradesman's bill or account (hence the phrase <em>on ticket'' and eventually ''on tick </em>). </li> <li>* J. Cotgrave </li> <dl><dd><i>Your courtier is mad to take up silks and velvets / <strong>On ticket </strong> for his mistress. </i></dd></dl> <li> A label affixed to goods to show their price or description. </li> <li> A certificate or token of a share in a lottery or other scheme for distributing money, goods, etc. </li> </div><div class='fourth-Derived terms'><h4>Derived terms</h4> * automatic ticket sampling machine * golden ticket * have tickets on oneself * lottery ticket * one-way ticket * that's the ticket * ticket machine * write one's own ticket </div><div class='fourth-See also'><h4>See also</h4> * (<i><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ticket">wikipedia "ticket"</a></i>) </div><div class='third-Verb'><h3>Verb</h3> (<i><a href="https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Glossary#verb">en verb</a></i>) <li> To issue someone a ticket, as for travel or for a violation of a local or traffic law. </li> </div><div class='fourth-Derived terms'><h4>Derived terms</h4> * ticket off </div></cite></div></div></div></div> <!-- /.region --></section> <!-- end main content --> </div><!-- main --> <!-- share,CCfooter --> <footer id="footer-block"> <div class="region region-footer"> <div id="block-block-23" class="block block-block"><!-- ShareThis BEGIN --> <div class="sharethis-inline-share-buttons"></div> <!-- ShareThis END --></div><div id="block-block-2" class="block block-block"><div align="center"> <p><a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/"><img src="https://wikidiff.com/static/CC_88x31.webp" width="88px" height="31px" border="0" alt="Creative Commons by-sa 3.0"/></a> Text is available under the <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License;</a> additional terms may apply.<br/> <br/> See <a href="https://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Terms_of_Use">Wiktionary Terms of Use</a> for details.</p> </div> </div><div id="block-block-20" class="block block-block"><div align="center"><a href="/privacy-policy">Privacy Policy</a> | <a href="/about-us">About Us</a> | <a href="/contact/contact_us">Contact Us</a></div></div></div> <!-- /.region --></footer></body> </html>