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Sweat vs Pull - What's the difference?

sweat | pull |

In lang=en terms the difference between sweat and pull

is that sweat is to emit moisture while pull is to strain (a muscle, tendon, ligament, etc).

In informal|lang=en terms the difference between sweat and pull

is that sweat is (informal) to worry while pull is (informal) to do or perform.

In slang|lang=en terms the difference between sweat and pull

is that sweat is (slang) to stress out while pull is (slang) the act of drinking.

As nouns the difference between sweat and pull

is that sweat is fluid that exits the body through pores in the skin usually due to physical stress and/or high temperature for the purpose of regulating body temperature and removing certain compounds from the circulation while pull is an act of pulling (applying force).

As verbs the difference between sweat and pull

is that sweat is to emit sweat while pull is to apply a force to (an object) so that it comes toward the person or thing applying the force.



(wikipedia sweat)

Etymology 1

From (etyl) .


  • Fluid that exits the body through pores in the skin usually due to physical stress and/or high temperature for the purpose of regulating body temperature and removing certain compounds from the circulation.
  • (British, slang, military slang, especially WWI) A soldier (especially one who is old or experienced).
  • (historical) The sweating sickness.
  • * 2009 , Hilary Mantel, Wolf Hall , Fourth Estate 2010, page 131:
  • When the sweat comes back this summer, 1528, people say, as they did last year, that you won't get it if you don't think about it.
  • Moisture issuing from any substance.
  • the sweat of hay or grain in a mow or stack
  • A short run by a racehorse as a form of exercise.
  • Synonyms
    * (fluid that exits the body through pores) perspiration * sudor
    Derived terms
    * break a sweat * cold sweat * no sweat * old sweat * sweat gland * sweatshirt * sweatshop * sweaty

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) . Compare Dutch zweten, German schwitzen, Danish svede.


    (en verb)
  • To emit sweat.
  • To cause to excrete moisture from the skin; to cause to perspire.
  • His physicians attempted to sweat him by most powerful sudorifics.
  • (informal) To work hard.
  • I've been sweating over my essay all day.
  • (informal) To extract money, labour, etc. from, by exaction or oppression.
  • to sweat''' a spendthrift; to '''sweat labourers
  • (informal) To worry.
  • (colloquial) To worry about (something).
  • * 2010 , Brooks Barnes, "Studios battle to save Narnia", The New York Times , 5 Dec 2010:
  • There are few matters studio executives sweat more than maintaining their franchises.
  • To emit, in the manner of sweat.
  • to sweat blood
  • * Dryden
  • With exercise she sweat ill humors out.
  • To emit moisture.
  • The cheese will start sweating if you don't refrigerate it.
  • (plumbing) To solder (a pipe joint) together.
  • (slang) To stress out.
  • Stop sweatin' me!
  • (intransitive) To cook slowly in shallow oil without browning.
  • (archaic) To remove a portion of (a coin), as by shaking it with others in a bag, so that the friction wears off a small quantity of the metal.
  • * R. Cobden
  • The only use of it [money] which is interdicted is to put it in circulation again after having diminished its weight by sweating , or otherwise, because the quantity of metal contains is no longer consistent with its impression.
    * (emit sweat) perspire * (work hard) slave, slog, work hard * (to worry) fret, worry
    Derived terms
    * sweat like a pig * sweater * (l) * unsweat


    * ----




    (en verb)
  • to apply a force to (an object) so that it comes toward the person or thing applying the force
  • * Bible, Genesis viii. 9
  • He put forth his hand and pulled her in.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Ne'er pull your hat upon your brows.
  • To gather with the hand, or by drawing toward oneself; to pluck.
  • to pull''' fruit from a tree; to '''pull''' flax; to '''pull a finch
  • to apply a force such that an object comes toward the person or thing applying the force
  • You're going to have to pull harder to get that cork out of the bottle.
  • To attract or net; to pull in.
  • * Marcella Ridlen Ray, Changing and Unchanging Face of United States Civil Society
  • Television, a favored source of news and information, pulls the largest share of advertising monies.
  • To draw apart; to tear; to rend.
  • * Bible, Lam. iii. 11
  • He hath turned aside my ways, and pulled me in pieces; he hath made me desolate.
  • (ambitransitive, UK, Ireland, slang) to persuade (someone) to have sex with one
  • I pulled at the club last night.
    He's pulled that bird over there.
  • to remove (something), especially from public circulation or availability
  • Each day, they pulled the old bread and set out fresh loaves.
  • (informal) to do or perform
  • He regularly pulls 12-hour days, sometimes 14.
    You'll be sent home if you pull another stunt like that.
  • to retrieve or generate for use
  • I'll have to pull a part number for that.
  • * 2006 , Michael Bellomo, Joel Elad, How to Sell Anything on Amazon...and Make a Fortune!
  • They'll go through their computer system and pull a report of all your order fulfillment records for the time period you specify.
  • to toss a frisbee with the intention of launching the disc across the length of a field
  • to row
  • * 1874 , (Marcus Clarke), (For the Term of His Natural Life) Chapter VI
  • It had been a sort of race hitherto, and the rowers, with set teeth and compressed lips, had pulled stroke for stroke.
  • To strain (a muscle, tendon, ligament, etc.).
  • (video games, ambitransitive) To draw (a hostile non-player character) into combat, or toward or away from some location or target.
  • * 2003 April 9, "Richard Lawson" (username), " Monual's Willful Ignorance", in alt.games.everquest, Usenet:
  • …we had to clear a long hallway, run up half way, pull the boss mob to us, and engage.
  • * 2004 October 18, "Stush" (username), " Re: focus pull", in alt.games.dark-age-of-camelot, Usenet:
  • Basically buff pet, have it pull lots of mobs, shield pet, chain heal pet, have your aoe casters finish off hurt mobs once pet gets good aggro.
  • * 2005 August 2, "Brian" (username), " Re: How to tank Stratholme undead pulls?", in alt.games.warcraft, Usenet:
  • This is the only thing that should get you to break off from your position, is to pull something off the healer.
  • * 2007 April 10, "John Salerno" (username), " Re: Managing the Command Buttons", in alt.games.warcraft, Usenet:
  • You could also set a fire trap, pull the mob toward it, then send in your pet….
  • * 2008 August 18, "Mark (newsgroups)" (username), " Re: I'm a priest now!", in alt.games.warcraft, Usenet:
  • Shield yourself, pull' with Mind Blast if you want, or merely ' pull with SW:P to save mana, then wand, fear if you need to, but use the lowest rank fear.
  • to score a certain amount of points in a sport.
  • * How many points did you pull today, Albert?
  • (horse-racing) To hold back, and so prevent from winning.
  • The favourite was pulled .
  • (printing, dated) To take or make (a proof or impression); so called because hand presses were worked by pulling a lever.
  • (cricket) To strike the ball in a particular manner. (See noun sense.)
  • * R. H. Lyttelton
  • Never pull a straight fast ball to leg.
  • (UK, slang) To pour beer from a pump, keg, or other source.
  • Let's stop at Finnigan's. The barkeep ''pulls'' a good pint.


    * drag, tow, tug, yank * score * (to remove from circulation) recall, withdraw, yank * (sense) carry out, complete, do, execute, perform * (to retrieve or generate for use) generate, get, get hold of, get one's hands on, lay one's hands on, obtain, retrieve * score


    * push, repel, shove

    Derived terms

    See also pulling * it's not the whistle that pulls the train * overpull * pull a... * pull about * pull a face * pull a fast one * pull ahead * pull away * pull back * pull down * pull for * pull in * pulling * pull in one's horns * pull off * pull oneself together * pull one's weight * pull out * pull out all the stops * pull out of the fire * pull over * pull-quote * pull rank * pull round * pull somebody's leg * pull the other one * * pull the wool over someone's eyes * pull through * pull together * pull up


    (en noun)
  • An act of pulling (applying force)
  • He gave the hair a sharp pull and it came out.
  • * Jonathan Swift
  • I awakened with a violent pull upon the ring which was fastened at the top of my box.
  • An attractive force which causes motion towards the source
  • The spaceship came under the pull of the gas giant.
    iron fillings drawn by the pull of a magnet
    She took a pull on her cigarette.
  • Any device meant to be pulled, as a lever, knob, handle, or rope
  • a zipper pull
  • (slang, dated) Something in one's favour in a comparison or a contest; an advantage; means of influencing.
  • In weights the favourite had the pull .
  • Appeal or attraction (as of a movie star)
  • (Internet, uncountable) The situation where a client sends out a request for data from a server, as in server pull'', ''pull technology
  • A journey made by rowing
  • * 1874 , (Marcus Clarke), (For the Term of His Natural Life) Chapter V
  • As Blunt had said, the burning ship lay a good twelve miles from the Malabar, and the pull was a long and a weary one. Once fairly away from the protecting sides of the vessel that had borne them thus far on their dismal journey, the adventurers seemed to have come into a new atmosphere.
  • (dated) A contest; a struggle.
  • a wrestling pull
  • (obsolete, poetic) Loss or violence suffered.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Two pulls at once; / His lady banished, and a limb lopped off.
  • (slang) The act of drinking.
  • to take a pull at a mug of beer
    (Charles Dickens)
  • (cricket) A kind of stroke by which a leg ball is sent to the off side, or an off ball to the side.
  • * R. A. Proctor
  • The pull is not a legitimate stroke, but bad cricket.


    * (act of pulling) tug, yank * (attractive force) attraction * (device meant to be pulled) handle, knob, lever, rope * (influence) influence, sway


    * (act of pulling) push, shove * (attractive force) repulsion * (device meant to be pulled) button, push, push button * (influence)

    Derived terms

    * on the pull * pull cord * ring-pull