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Supercede vs Supercee - What's the difference?

supercede | supercee |

As a verb supercede

is misspelling of lang=en.

As a noun supercee is

faster-than-light travelling speed.




  • * 1491 , Acta Dom. Conc. :
  • He sall supercede þe payment of þe said vc frankis.
  • * 1857 , The American Law Register — On the Doctrine of Uses as an Element of our Law of Conveyances , Vol. 6, ? 2/3:
  • To it a new species of conveyancing owes its origin, which dispenses with livery of seisin, and almost entirely supercedes , in practice, the employment of common law deeds.
  • * 2000 , Juliet Floyd & Hilary Putnam, The Journal of Philosophy — A Note on Wittgenstein’s “Notorious Paragraph” about the Godel Theorem , Vol. 97, ? 11:
  • They saw themselves as providing a freestanding “ideal language” or “concept-language,” what W. V. Quine has called a first-grade conceptual scheme, which in some sense supercedes ordinary language.
  • * 2002 , Amy Kapczynski, The Yale Law Journal — Queer Brinksmanship: Citizenship and the Solomon Wars , Vol. 112, ? 3:
  • The DoD may contend that the consolidated Solomon Amendment, passed in 1999, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 § 549, supercedes the regulations.

    Usage notes

    * The form (term) is commonly considered a misspelling of supersede, since it results from confusion between Latin , but the ‘c’ spelling began to be used in Middle French, appeared in [[w:English language, English] as early as the 1400s, and is still sometimes found. The fact that supersede is the only English word ending in (term), while several end in (term), also encourages confusion. * Most dictionaries do not include this spelling; a few list it as a variant, sometimes identified as a misspelling.supercede]” in the Merriam–Webster Online Dictionary . A search of general dictionaries at [http://www.onelook.com/ Onelook All Dictionaries finds 4 instances of "supercede" excluding this one (with one flagged as misspelling), and 24 of "supersede".





  • (rare, science fiction) Faster-than-light travelling speed.
  • * 1930 , Information Access Company, Analog Science Fiction/science Fact , pp63{1}, 73{2}, & 77{3}
  • {1}But Man had always been a restless, persistent creature, and the stars called, and in an incredibly short space of time a highly-ingenious refinement of the theta drive gave him supercee .
    {2}“What I can’t understand, Psy, is why in the name of Mira the Terrans couldn’t have been admitted to the Federation as soon as they developed supercee . […]”
    {3}Offhand I’d say that the Terrans, when they hit on the secret of star-driving a planet, which isn’t much of a trick once the supercee principle is clearly understood, decided to go off on a hunt round the galaxy for a see-tee system.
  • * 1960', AUTHOR UNKNOWN, ''Astounding Science-fiction'', pp70{1}, 72{2}, & 73{3}; presumed to be an earlier work (' 1930 or earlier), as quotations 2 and 3 also appear in:
  • * 1930 , Information Access Company, Analog Science Fiction/science Fact , p72
  • {1}“[…] A couple of … after the last rescue ship had lif … into space and shifted into the … of supercee , the star exploded.”
    {2}“Surely you know the answer to that one,” he said after a moment or two, “or have you forgotten all about a little thing called the decrement effect?” The Psychologist nodded. “Precisely. The decrement effect. The factor that makes supercee'?—?' supercee as we know it, that is?—?inoperable in intergalactic space.” He looked thoughtful. “I don’t think anyone’s yet evolved a satisfactory theory to account for the existence of the effect. The only thing that’s certain is that it’s tied up in some way with gravity fields?—?or, rather, with the absence of g-fields.” He shrugged.
    {3}“What I can’t understand, Psy, is why in the name of Mira the Terrans couldn’t have been admitted to the Federation as soon as they developed supercee . […]”
  • * 1979 , Frank Northen Magill, Survey of Science Fiction Literature , p937 (Salem Press, ISBN 0893561967)
  • The core was virtually unreachable at supercee velocities. So the Lost Star’s bleep has been sounding for eighty years, and no ship has reached her.


    * warp speed