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Sunnies vs Sunnizes - What's the difference?

sunnies | sunnizes |

As a noun sunnies

is (australia|new zealand|uk|informal) sunglasses or sunnies can be (us|colloquial) (sunfish or sunperch).

As a verb sunnizes is




Etymology 1

From sunglasses + , retaining the plural form.


(en-plural noun)
  • (Australia, New Zealand, UK, informal) Sunglasses.
  • * 2005 , Dave Franklin, Manic Streets of Perth , 2011, unnumbered page,
  • She took off her sunnies and polished them, a little vigorously.
  • * 2008 , Janet Fife-Yeomans, Heath: A Family?s Tale , page 97,
  • With Heath wearing a black beanie and his trademark sunnies , the couple arrived in Perth at 12.20 p.m. after flying in from the US via Sydney.
  • * 2009 , Susan Lyons, Sex Drive , Kensington Press, US, page 160,
  • “Sunscreen for you.” Her skin was a light golden brown. “And sunnies and a hat.” He slipped on his own sunglasses.
  • * 2009 , Justine Vaisutis, Australia , Lonely Planet, page 525,
  • Bring the Prada sunnies , the papers and an appetite if you?re heading here for breakfast.
    * shades

    Etymology 2


  • (US, colloquial) (sunfish or sunperch)
  • As a kid, he remembered catching sunnies with a cane pole and garden worms in the stream behind the house.




  • (Sunnize)

  • Sunnize


    Alternative forms

    *sunnize *Sunnise


  • (ambitransitive) To make or become Sunni
  • * 1988 , Kevin R. D. Shepherd, From oppression to freedom, page 32
  • ... was really of the same category as the pirs and murshids of popular Sufism, regardless of Shia extrapolations from a more Sunnized epoch that in turn had elements in common with earlier forms of Shi'ism.
  • * 1997 Akin, Some Rotten Deals Over the Heads of Kurds that will Boomerang! Group: cl.nahost.kurdistan
  • In this regard it must be noted that the PKK operations in Hatay have targeted the Sunni Turkmen that Turkey settled in the province after it was annexed in 1939 in order to Sunnize the region. The bulk of the population in 1939 was comprised of Alawite Arabs as is 10 to 11 percent of Syrian population.
  • * 2006 , Donald K. Swearer, Religion and Nationalism in Iraq: page 76
  • How can the diverse constituents of Iraq be brought together without returning to a Sunnized Baathist situation