Strolled vs Trudged - What's the difference?
strolled | trudged |
To wander on foot; to ramble idly or leisurely; to rove.
*(Jonathan Swift) (1667–1745)
*:These mothers stroll to beg sustenance for their helpless infants.
*, chapter=7
, title= To go somewhere with ease.
*:His sister, Mrs. Gerard, stood there in carriage gown and sables, radiant with surprise. ¶ “Phil?! You?! Exactly like you, Philip, to come strolling in from the antipodes—dear fellow?!” recovering from the fraternal embrace and holding both lapels of his coat in her gloved hands.
To walk wearily with heavy, slow steps.
* 2014, (Paul Salopek), Blessed. Cursed. Claimed. , National Geographic (December 2014)[]
To trudge along or over a route etc.
As verbs the difference between strolled and trudged
is that strolled is (stroll) while trudged is (trudge).strolled
(en verb)The Mirror and the Lamp, passage=The turmoil went on—no rest, no peace. […] It was nearly eleven o'clock now, and he strolled out again. In the little fair created by the costers' barrows the evening only seemed beginning; and the naphtha flares made one's eyes ache, the men's voices grated harshly, and the girls' faces saddened one.}}
* range, roam, rove, straySee also
* strollerAnagrams
(trudg)- This famous archaeological site marks the farthest limit of human migration out of Africa in the middle Stone Age—the outer edge of our knowledge of the cosmos. I trudge to the caves in a squall.