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Stinteth vs Stinketh - What's the difference?

stinteth | stinketh |

As verbs the difference between stinteth and stinketh

is that stinteth is (archaic) (stint) while stinketh is (stink).




  • (archaic) (stint)

  • stint


    Etymology 1

    (etyl) .


    (en noun)
  • A period of time spent doing or being something. A spell.
  • He had a stint in jail.
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2012 , date=May 13 , author=Andrew Benson , title=Williams's Pastor Maldonado takes landmark Spanish Grand Prix win , work=BBC Sport citation , page= , passage=That left Maldonado with a 6.2-second lead. Alonso closed in throughout their third stints , getting the gap down to 4.2secs before Maldonado stopped for the final time on lap 41.}}
  • limit; bound; restraint; extent
  • * South
  • God has wrote upon no created thing the utmost stint of his power.
  • Quantity or task assigned; proportion allotted.
  • * Cowper
  • His old stint — three thousand pounds a year.


    (en verb)
  • (archaic) To stop (an action); cease, desist.
  • * 1590 , Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene , III.iii:
  • O do thy cruell wrath and spightfull wrong / At length allay, and stint thy stormy strife
  • * Shakespeare
  • And stint thou too, I pray thee.
  • * Sir Walter Scott
  • The damsel stinted in her song.
  • (obsolete) To stop speaking or talking (of a subject).
  • * Late 14th century , :
  • Now wol I stynten of this Arveragus, / And speken I wole of Dorigen his wyf
  • To be sparing or mean.
  • The next party you throw, don't stint on the beer.
  • To restrain within certain limits; to bound; to restrict to a scant allowance.
  • * Woodward
  • I shall not go about to extenuate the latitude of the curse upon the earth, or stint it only to the production of weeds.
  • * Law
  • She stints them in their meals.
  • To assign a certain task to (a person), upon the performance of which he/she is excused from further labour for that day or period; to stent.
  • To impregnate successfully; to get with foal; said of mares.
  • * J. H. Walsh
  • The majority of maiden mares will become stinted while at work.

    Etymology 2

    Origin unknown.


    (en noun)
  • Any of several very small wading birds in the genus Calidris . Types of sandpiper, such as the dunlin or the sanderling.
  • Etymology 3


    (en noun)
  • (medical device).
  • Anagrams

    * * *




  • (stink)
  • Anagrams





  • To have a strong bad smell.
  • (informal) To be greatly inferior; to perform badly.
  • That movie stinks . I didn't even stay for the end.
  • To give an impression of dishonesty or untruth.
  • Something stinks about the politician's excuses.
  • To cause to stink; to affect by a stink.
  • Synonyms

    * (have a strong bad smell) pong, reek * (be greatly inferior) suck, blow * (give an impression of dishonesty or untruth) be fishy

    Derived terms

    * stink up * stink out


    (en noun)
  • A strong bad smell.
  • (informal) A complaint or objection.
  • If you don't make a stink about the problem, nothing will be done.
  • chemistry (as a subject taught in school)
  • (slang, New Zealand) A failure or unfortunate event.
  • The concert was stink .


    * (strong bad smell) fetor, odour/odor, pong, reek, smell, stench * *

    Derived terms

    * kick up a stink * stink badger * stinkbomb * stinker * stink eye * stink machine * stinky


    * English irregular verbs ----