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Step vs Bearing - What's the difference?

step | bearing | Related terms |

Step is a related term of bearing.

As nouns the difference between step and bearing

is that step is stitch while bearing is a mechanical device that supports another part and/or reduces friction.

As an adjective bearing is

of a beam, column, or other device, carrying weight or load.

As a verb bearing is





  • To move the foot in walking; to advance or recede by raising and moving one of the feet to another resting place, or by moving both feet in succession.
  • To walk; to go on foot; especially, to walk a little distance.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-01, volume=407, issue=8838
  • , page=13 (Technology Quarterly), magazine=(The Economist) , title= Ideas coming down the track , passage=A “moving platform” scheme
  • To walk slowly, gravely, or resolutely.
  • * Home the swain retreats, His flock before him stepping to the fold.
  • (figuratively) To move mentally; to go in imagination.
  • * They are stepping almost three thousand years back into the remotest antiquity. — (Alexander Pope)
  • To set, as the foot.
  • (nautical) To fix the foot of (a mast) in its step ; to erect.
  • * 1898 , (Joseph Conrad),
  • We put everything straight, stepped the long-boat's mast for our skipper, who was in charge of her, and I was not sorry to sit down for a moment.

    Derived terms

    * step aside (to walk a little distance from the rest; to retire from company) * step down * step forth (to move or come forth) * step forward * step in/step into * step-in * step out ** (military) To increase the length, but not the rapidity, of the step, extending it to thirty-tree inches ** To go out for a short distance or a short time * step short (military) (to diminish the length or rapidity of the step according to the established rules) * step off (to measure by steps, or paces; hence, to divide, as a space, or to form a series of marks, by successive measurements, as with dividers) * step up


    (en noun)
  • An advance or movement made from one foot to the other; a pace.
  • *
  • *:Turning back, then, toward the basement staircase, she began to grope her way through blinding darkness, but had taken only a few uncertain steps when, of a sudden, she stopped short and for a little stood like a stricken thing, quite motionless save that she quaked to her very marrow in the grasp of a great and enervating fear.
  • A rest, or one of a set of rests, for the foot in ascending or descending, as a stair, or a rung of a ladder.
  • *Sir (Henry Wotton) (1568-1639)
  • *:The breadth of every single step or stair should be never less than one foot.
  • *
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=4 , passage=One morning I had been driven to the precarious refuge afforded by the steps of the inn, after rejecting offers from the Celebrity to join him in a variety of amusements. But even here I was not free from interruption, for he was seated on a horse-block below me, playing with a fox terrier.}}
  • A running board where passengers step to get on and off the bus.
  • :
  • The space passed over by one movement of the foot in walking or running. Used also figuratively of any kind of progress.
  • :
  • *(Isaac Newton) (1642-1727)
  • *:To derive two or three general principles of motion from phenomena, and afterwards to tell us how the properties and actions of all corporeal things follow from those manifest principles, would be a very great step in philosophy.
  • A small space or distance.
  • :
  • A print of the foot; a footstep; a footprint; track.
  • A gait; manner of walking.
  • :
  • *1900 , , (The House Behind the Cedars) , Chapter I,
  • *:Warwick passed through one of the wide brick arches and traversed the building with a leisurely step .
  • Proceeding; measure; action; act.
  • *(Alexander Pope) (1688-1744)
  • *:The reputation of a man depends on the first steps he makes in the world.
  • *(William Cowper) (1731-1800)
  • *:Beware of desperate steps . The darkest day, Live till to-morrow, will have passed away.
  • *(George Washington Cable) (1844-1925)
  • *:I have lately taken steps to relieve the old gentleman's distresses.
  • (lb) A walk; passage.
  • *(John Dryden)
  • *:Conduct my steps to find the fatal tree.
  • (lb) A portable framework of stairs, much used indoors in reaching to a high position.
  • (lb) A framing in wood or iron which is intended to receive an upright shaft; specif., a block of wood, or a solid platform upon the keelson, supporting the heel of the mast.
  • (lb) One of a series of offsets, or parts, resembling the steps of stairs, as one of the series of parts of a cone pulley on which the belt runs.
  • (lb) A bearing in which the lower extremity of a spindle or a vertical shaft revolves.
  • (lb) The interval between two contiguous degrees of the scale.
  • :Usage note: The word tone is often used as the name of this interval; but there is evident incongruity in using tone for indicating the interval between tones. As the word scale is derived from the Italian scala , a ladder, the intervals may well be called steps.
  • (lb) A change of position effected by a motion of translation.
  • :(William Kingdon Clifford)
  • Synonyms

    * stride

    Derived terms

    (Terms derived from the noun "step") * in step * out of step * step by step * stepwise * Back step', ' Half step , etc. See under back, half, etc. * Step grate : a form of grate for holding fuel, in which the bars rise above one another in the manner of steps. * To take steps : to take action; to move in a matter. * one step at a time: slowly and cautiously

    See also

    * step-




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  • Of a beam, column, or other device, carrying weight or load.
  • That's a bearing wall.

    Derived terms

    * -bearing


    (en noun)
  • A mechanical device that supports another part and/or reduces friction.
  • (navigation, nautical) The horizontal angle between the direction of an object and another object, or between it and that of true north; a heading or direction.
  • Relevance; a relationship or connection.
  • That has no bearing on this issue.
  • * Alexander Pope
  • But of this frame, the bearings and the ties, / The strong connections, nice dependencies.
  • One's posture, demeanor, or manner.
  • She walks with a confident, self-assured bearing .
  • * Shakespeare
  • I know him by his bearing .
  • (in the plural) Direction or relative position.
  • (architecture) That part of any member of a building which rests upon its supports.
  • A lintel or beam may have four inches of bearing upon the wall.
  • (architecture) The portion of a support on which anything rests.
  • (architecture, proscribed) The unsupported span.
  • The beam has twenty feet of bearing between its supports.
  • (heraldry) Any single emblem or charge in an escutcheon or coat of arms.
  • * Thackeray
  • A carriage covered with armorial bearings .

    Derived terms

    (terms derived from bearing) * ball bearing * find one’s bearings * get one’s bearings * inline bearing * inline hockey bearing * inline skate bearing, in-line skate bearing * magnetic bearing * lose one’s bearings * quad roller skate bearing * roller bearing * rollerblade bearing * skate bearing * skateboard bearing * true bearing

    See also

    * ABEC


  • Anagrams

    * *