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What is the difference between state and condition?

state | condition |

Condition is a synonym of state.

In obsolete terms the difference between state and condition

is that state is stately while condition is the situation of a person or persons, particularly their social and/or economic class, rank.

In transitive terms the difference between state and condition

is that state is to make known while condition is to test or assay, as silk (to ascertain the proportion of moisture it contains).

As an adjective state

is stately.

As a proper noun State

is state University, as the shortened form of any public university name.




(wikipedia state) (en noun)
  • A polity.
  • # Any sovereign polity; a government.
  • #* 20C , (Albert Einstein), as quoted by Virgil Henshaw in Albert Einstein: Philosopher Scientist (1949)
  • Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
  • #* {{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-07, author=David Simpson
  • , volume=188, issue=26, page=36, magazine=(The Guardian Weekly) , title= Fantasy of navigation , passage=It is tempting to speculate about the incentives or compulsions that might explain why anyone would take to the skies in [the] basket [of a balloon]: […];  […]; or perhaps to muse on the irrelevance of the borders that separate nation states and keep people from understanding their shared environment.}}
  • # A political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy, for example one of the fifty United States. See also Province.
  • # (obsolete) A form of government other than a monarchy.
  • #* (John Dryden) (1631-1700)
  • Well monarchies may own religion's name, / But states are atheists in their very fame.
  • # (anthropology) A society larger than a tribe. A society large enough to form a state in the sense of a government.
  • A condition; a set of circumstances applying at any given time.
  • * (John Dryden) (1631-1700)
  • Declare the past and present state of things.
  • *
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=8 , passage=I corralled the judge, and we started off across the fields, in no very mild state of fear of that gentleman's wife, whose vigilance was seldom relaxed.}}
  • # (computing) The stable condition of a processor during a particular clock cycle.
  • # (computing) The set of all parameters relevant to a computation.
  • # (computing) The values of all parameters at some point in a computation.
  • # (sciences) The physical property of matter as solid, liquid, gas or plasma.
  • # (obsolete) Highest and stationary condition, as that of maturity between growth and decline, or as that of crisis between the increase and the abating of a disease; height; acme.
  • High social standing or circumstance.
  • # Pomp, ceremony, or dignity.
  • # Rank; condition; quality.
  • #* (William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • Thy honour, state , and seat is due to me.
  • # Condition of prosperity or grandeur; wealthy or prosperous circumstances; social importance.
  • #* (Francis Bacon) (1561-1626)
  • She instructed him how he should keep state , and yet with a modest sense of his misfortunes.
  • #* (Alexander Pope) (1688-1744)
  • Can this imperious lord forget to reign, / Quit all his state , descend, and serve again?
  • # A chair with a canopy above it, often standing on a dais; a seat of dignity; also, the canopy itself.
  • #* (John Milton) (1608-1674)
  • His high throne,under state / Of richest texture spread.
  • #* (Jonathan Swift) (1667–1745)
  • When he went to court, he used to kick away the state , and sit down by his prince cheek by jowl.
  • # (obsolete) A great person, a dignitary; a lord or prince.
  • #* 1644 , (John Milton), (Aeropagitica) :
  • They who to States and Governours of the Commonwealth direct their Speech.
  • # (obsolete) Estate, possession.
  • (Daniel)
  • #* (Philip Massinger) (1583-1640)
  • Your state , my lord, again is yours.
  • (mathematics, stochastic processes) An element of the range of the random variables that define a random process.
  • Derived terms

    * absolute state * blue state * bound state * buffer state * cat state * change of state * chief of state * city state * civilization-state * client state * cluster state * continental state * convention state * deep state * end state * excited state * failed state * federal state * feudatory state * flyover state * fogue state * free state * graph state * green state * ground state * hole state * in a state * iron state * island state * head of state * landlocked state * link state * member state * nanny state * narco state * nation-state * night watchman state * party state * police state * poppet state * princely state * pro-state * pseudostate * purple state * quantum state * red state * rogue state * rump state * save state * solid state * statehood * state flower * state of affairs * state of emergency * state of matter * state of mind * state of the arts * state capital * state house * state machine * state ownership * state pattern * state school * state secret * state space * state variable * stateside * statesman * statesmanship * steady state * swing state * transition state * wait state * unitary state * upstate * welfare state (state)

    See also

    * department * province


  • (lb) To declare to be a fact.
  • :
  • *
  • *:Carried somehow, somewhither, for some reason, on these surging floods, were these travelers, of errand not wholly obvious to their fellows, yet of such sort as to call into query alike the nature of their errand and their own relations. It is easily earned repetition to state that Josephine St. Auban's was a presence not to be concealed.
  • To make known.
  • :
  • Usage notes

    State'' is stronger or more definitive than ''say . It is used to communicate an absence of reasonable doubt and to emphasize the factual or truthful nature of the communication.


    * See


    (en adjective)
  • (obsolete) stately
  • (Spenser)






    (en noun)
  • A logical clause or phrase that a conditional statement uses. The phrase can either be true or false.
  • A requirement, term or requisite.
  • (legal) A clause in a contract or agreement indicating that a certain contingency may modify the principal obligation in some way.
  • The health status of a medical patient.
  • The state or quality.
  • *
  • , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=4 , passage=Mr. Cooke at once began a tirade against the residents of Asquith for permitting a sandy and generally disgraceful condition of the roads. So roundly did he vituperate the inn management in particular, and with such a loud flow of words, that I trembled lest he should be heard on the veranda.}}
  • A particular state of being.
  • (obsolete) The situation of a person or persons, particularly their social and/or economic class, rank.
  • A man of his condition has no place to make request.


    * (the health or state of something) fettle

    Derived terms

    * conditional * condition subsequent * human condition * in condition * interesting condition * mint condition * necessary condition * precondition * statement of condition * sufficient condition


    (en verb)
  • To subject to the process of acclimation.
  • I became conditioned to the absence of seasons in San Diego.
  • To subject to different conditions, especially as an exercise.
  • They were conditioning their shins in their karate class.
  • To place conditions or limitations upon.
  • * Tennyson
  • Seas, that daily gain upon the shore, / Have ebb and flow conditioning their march.
  • To shape the behaviour of someone to do something.
  • To treat (the hair) with hair conditioner.
  • To contract; to stipulate; to agree.
  • * Beaumont and Fletcher
  • Pay me back my credit, / And I'll condition with ye.
  • * Sir Walter Raleigh
  • It was conditioned between Saturn and Titan, that Saturn should put to death all his male children.
  • To test or assay, as silk (to ascertain the proportion of moisture it contains).
  • (McElrath)
  • (US, colleges, transitive) To put under conditions; to require to pass a new examination or to make up a specified study, as a condition of remaining in one's class or in college.
  • to condition a student who has failed in some branch of study
  • To impose upon an object those relations or conditions without which knowledge and thought are alleged to be impossible.
  • * Sir W. Hamilton
  • To think of a thing is to condition .

    Derived terms

    * air-condition * conditioner * precondition * recondition


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