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What is the difference between staff and rod?

staff | rod |

In archaic terms the difference between staff and rod

is that staff is the rung of a ladder while rod is a unit of area equal to a square rod, 30¼ square yards or 1/160 acre.

As nouns the difference between staff and rod

is that staff is a long, straight stick, especially one used to assist in walking while rod is a straight, round stick, shaft, bar, cane, or staff.

As verbs the difference between staff and rod

is that staff is to supply (a business) with employees while rod is {{cx|slang|vulgar|transitive|lang=en}} To penetrate sexually.

As a proper noun Rod is

a nickname for the male given names Rodney and Roderick.



(wikipedia staff)


  • (label) A long, straight stick, especially one used to assist in walking.
  • *{{quote-book, year=1927, author= F. E. Penny
  • , chapter=4, title= Pulling the Strings , passage=The case was that of a murder. It had an element of mystery about it, however, which was puzzling the authorities. A turban and loincloth soaked in blood had been found; also a staff .}}
  • A series of horizontal lines on which musical notes are written.
  • (label) The employees of a business.
  • * {{quote-news, year=2011, date=December 16, author=Denis Campbell, work=Guardian
  • , title= Hospital staff 'lack skills to cope with dementia patients' , passage=Most staff do not have the skills to cope with such challenging patients, who too often receive "impersonal" care and suffer from boredom, the first National Audit of Dementia found. It says hospitals should introduce "dementia champions".}}
  • (label) A mixture of plaster and fibre used as a temporary exterior wall covering.
  • A pole, stick, or wand borne as an ensign of authority; a badge of office.
  • * (William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
  • Methought this staff , mine office badge in court, / Was broke in twain.
  • *Sir (c.1564-1627)
  • All his officers brake their staves'; but at their return new ' staves were delivered unto them.
  • A pole upon which a flag is supported and displayed.
  • (label) The rung of a ladder.
  • * Dr. J. Campbell (E. Brown's Travels)
  • I ascend at one [ladder] of six hundred and thirty-nine staves .
  • A series of verses so disposed that, when it is concluded, the same order begins again; a stanza; a stave.
  • * (John Dryden) (1631-1700)
  • Cowley found out that no kind of staff is proper for an heroic poem, as being all too lyrical.
  • (label) An arbor, as of a wheel or a pinion of a watch.
  • (label) The grooved director for the gorget, or knife, used in cutting for stone in the bladder.
  • (label) An establishment of officers in various departments attached to an army, to a section of an army, or to the commander of an army. The general's staff consists of those officers about his person who are employed in carrying his commands into execution.
  • Synonyms

    * (music) stave * (employees) personnel * See also

    Derived terms


    See also

    * truncheon * club * cudgel * stick * baton * bludgeon * rod * cane


    (en verb)
  • to supply (a business) with employees
  • rod



    (en noun)
  • A straight, round stick, shaft, bar, cane, or staff.
  • :The circus strong man proved his strength by bending an iron rod , and then straightening it.
  • (fishing) A long slender usually tapering pole used for angling; fishing rod.
  • :When I hooked a snake and not a fish, I got so scared I dropped my rod in the water.
  • A stick, pole, or bundle of switches or twigs (such as a birch), used for personal defense or to administer corporal punishment by whipping.
  • *, II.8:
  • *:So was I brought up: they tell mee, that in all my youth, I never felt rod but twice, and that very lightly.
  • An implement resembling and/or supplanting a rod (particularly a cane) that is used for corporal punishment, and metonymically called the rod , regardless of its actual shape and composition.
  • :The judge imposed on the thief a sentence of fifteen strokes with the rod .
  • A stick used to measure distance, by using its established length or task-specific temporary marks along its length, or by dint of specific graduated marks.
  • :I notched a rod and used it to measure the length of rope to cut.
  • (senseid)(archaic) A unit of length equal to 1 pole, a perch, ¼ chain, 5½ yards, 16½ feet, or exactly 5.0292 meters (these being all equivalent).
  • *1842 , (Edgar Allan Poe), ‘The Mystery of Marie Rogêt’:
  • *:‘And this thicket, so full of a natural art, was in the immediate vicinity, within a few rods , of the dwelling of Madame Deluc, whose boys were in the habit of closely examining the shrubberies about them in search of the bark of the sassafras.’
  • *1865 , , '' Cape Cod
  • *:In one of the villages I saw the next summer a cow tethered by a rope six rods long.
  • *1900 , , (The House Behind the Cedars) , Ch.I:
  • *:A few rods farther led him past the old black Presbyterian church, with its square tower, embowered in a stately grove; past the Catholic church, with its many crosses, and a painted wooden figure of St. James in a recess beneath the gable; and past the old Jefferson House, once the leading hotel of the town, in front of which political meetings had been held, and political speeches made, and political hard cider drunk, in the days of "Tippecanoe and Tyler too."
  • An implement held vertically and viewed through an optical surveying instrument such as a transit, used to measure distance in land surveying and construction layout; an engineer's rod, surveyor's rod, surveying rod, leveling rod, ranging rod. The modern (US) engineer's or surveyor's rod commonly is eight or ten feet long and often designed to extend higher. In former times a surveyor's rod often was a single wooden pole or composed of multiple sectioned and socketed pieces, and besides serving as a sighting target was used to measure distance on the ground horizontally, hence for convenience was of one rod or pole in length, that is, 5½ yards.
  • (archaic) A unit of area equal to a square rod, 30¼ square yards or 1/160 acre.
  • :The house had a small yard of about six rods in size.
  • A straight bar that unites moving parts of a machine, for holding parts together as a connecting rod or for transferring power as a drive-shaft.
  • :The engine threw a rod , and then went to pieces before our eyes, springs and coils shooting in all directions.
  • (anatomy) Short for rod cell, a rod-shaped cell in the eye that is sensitive to light.
  • :The rods are more sensitive than the cones, but do not discern color.
  • (biology) Any of a number of long, slender microorganisms.
  • :He applied a gram positive stain, looking for rods indicative of ''Listeria''.
  • (chemistry) A stirring rod : a glass rod, typically about 6 inches to 1 foot long and 1/8 to 1/4 inch in diameter that can be used to stir liquids in flasks or beakers.
  • (slang) A pistol; a gun.
  • (slang) A penis.
  • (slang) A hot rod, an automobile or other passenger motor vehicle modified to run faster and often with exterior cosmetic alterations, especially one based originally on a pre-1940s model or (currently) denoting any older vehicle thus modified.
  • (ufology) rod-shaped objects which appear in photographs and videos traveling at high speed, not seen by the person recording the event, often associated with extraterrestrial entities.
  • *2000 , Jack Barranger, Paul Tice, Mysteries Explored: The Search for Human Origins, Ufos, and Religious Beginnings , Book Three, p.37:
  • *:These cylindrical rods fly through the air at incredible speeds and can only be picked up by high-speed cameras.
  • *2009 , Barry Conrad, An Unknown Encounter: A True Account of the San Pedro Haunting , Dorrance Publishing, pp.129–130:
  • *:During one such broadcast in 1997, the esteemed radio host bellowed, “I got a fax earlier today from MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) in Arizona and they said what you think are rods are actually insects!”
  • *2010 , Deena West Budd, The Weiser Field Guide to Cryptozoology: Werewolves, Dragons, Skyfish, Lizard Men, and Other Fascinating Creatures Real and Mysterious , Weiser Books, p.15:
  • *:He tells of a home video showing a rod flying into the open mouth of a girl singing at a wedding.
  • (mathematics) A (w).
  • Synonyms

    * See also * See also * (objects in photographs and videos) skyfish

    Derived terms

    * divining rod * rodbuster * rod for one's back * rodman * rod-shaped * Lightning rod Lightning conductor or rod in OSM *

    See also

    * crook



    * (l), * (l) * (l) * (l)


  • To penetrate sexually.
  • * 1968 , David Lynn, Bull nuts
  • On impulse he moved around to the opposite side of the couple, in the direction which Grace's broad buttocks were pointed, for a full view of the big boned woman's back side. Now Grace wouldn't mind one iota if he rodded her from the rear.