Soldier vs Navy - What's the difference?
soldier | navy |
A member of an army, of any rank.
*(William Shakespeare) (1564-1616)
*:I am a soldier and unapt to weep.
*:Captain Edward Carlisle, soldier as he was, martinet as he was, felt a curious sensation of helplessness seize upon him as he met her steady gaze, her alluring smile?; he could not tell what this prisoner might do.
*2012 , August 1. Owen Gibson in Guardian Unlimited,
*:Stanning, who was commissioned from Sandhurst in 2008 and has served in Aghanistan, is not the first solider to bail out the organisers at these Games but will be among the most celebrated.
A private in military service, as distinguished from an officer.
*(Edmund Spenser) (c.1552–1599)
*:It were meet that any one, before he came to be a captain, should have been a soldier .
A guardsman.
A member of the Salvation Army.
A piece of buttered bread (or toast), cut into a long thin strip and dipped into a soft-boiled egg.
A term of affection for a young boy.
Someone who fights or toils well.
The red or cuckoo gurnard (Trigla pini ).
One of the asexual polymorphic forms of white ants, or termites, in which the head and jaws are very large and strong. The soldiers serve to defend the nest.
To continue.
To be a soldier.
To intentionally restrict labor productivity; to work at the slowest rate that goes unpunished. Has also been called dogging it'' or ''goldbricking . (Originally from the way that conscripts may approach following orders. Usage less prevalent in the era of all-volunteer militaries.)
A country's entire sea force, including ships and personnel.
, title=(The Celebrity), chapter=10
, passage=The skipper Mr. Cooke had hired at Far Harbor was a God-fearing man with a luke warm interest in his new billet and employer, and had only been prevailed upon to take charge of the yacht after the offer of an emolument equal to half a year's sea pay of an ensign in the navy .}}
A governmental department in charge of a country's sea force.
A dark blue colour, usually called navy blue .
Having the dark blue colour of navy blue.
* 2006 , Samantha Hunt, The Seas: A Novel , page 57:
* 2006 , Carol Marinelli, Taken for His Pleasure , page 26:
Belonging to the navy; typical of the navy.
* 1943 , Fletcher Pratt, The Navy has wings , page 167:
* 1993 , Robert A. Frezza, McLendon's Syndrome , page 299:
* 1994 , Harry Carey, Company of heroes: my life as an actor in the John Ford stock company , page 76:
* 2003 , Jedwin Smith, Fatal treasure: greed and death, emeralds and gold , page 88:
* 2003 , Edwin Palmer Hoyt, Thomas H Moorer, The Men of the Gambier Bay: The Amazing True Story , page 21:
As a proper noun soldier
is a city in iowa.As a noun navy is
a country's entire sea force, including ships and personnel.As an adjective navy is
having the dark blue colour of navy blue.soldier
Alternative forms
* soldior (obsolete) * soldiour (obsolete) * souldier (obsolete) * souldior (obsolete) * souldiour (obsolete)Noun
(en noun)London 2012: rowers Glover and Stanning win Team GB's first gold medal
* (member of an army) grunt, sweat, old sweat, TommyVerb
(en verb)Derived terms
* soldierlySee also
* soldier on * toy soldier, plastic soldier * soldier ant, soldier bee * soldier of fortune * construction soldierAnagrams
(wikipedia navy)Noun
(en adjective)- The cover is as navy as a bruise.
- The morning shadow on his chin was almost as navy as his heavy-lidded eyes, his cheekbones exquisitely sculptured in his haughty face.
- [...] there are chess ships and checker ships and those where acey-deucey is almost the only game, the sailors' own improved version of backgammon. Fliers from the seacoast of Iowa, anxious to be as navy as the rest, are usually the first to pick it up.
- Lieutenant Lindquist is navy through and through. I know she doesn't want to get out. Now, I know there's no way you can assign her to a navy ship, but there has to be something the navy can give her to keep her in space.
- It was not what you would picture as a typical meeting with a naval officer. In fact, it was about as navy as an Abbott and Costello movie.
- He was navy through and through; no-nonsense, humorless, and all spit and polish—every hair in its place, every thought gleaned from the manual compiled by brilliant sea dogs of long ago.
- Goodwin was navy through and through.