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Smelled vs Swelled - What's the difference?

smelled | swelled |

As verbs the difference between smelled and swelled

is that smelled is (smell) while swelled is (swell).




  • (smell)

  • smell



  • A sensation, pleasant or unpleasant, detected by inhaling air (or, the case of water-breathing animals, water) carrying airborne molecules of a substance.
  • I love the smell of fresh bread.
  • * 1908 , (Kenneth Grahame), (The Wind in the Willows)
  • The penetrating smell' of cabbage reached the nose of Toad as he lay prostrate in his misery on the floor, and gave him the idea for a moment that perhaps life was not such a blank and desperate thing as he had imagined. But still he wailed, and kicked with his legs, and refused to be comforted. So the wise girl retired for the time, but, of course, a good deal of the ' smell of hot cabbage remained behind, as it will do, and Toad, between his sobs, sniffed and reflected, and gradually began to think new and inspiring thoughts: of chivalry, and poetry...
  • (physiology) The sense that detects odours.
  • Usage notes

    * Adjectives often applied to "smell": sweet, good, nice, great, pleasant, fresh, fragrant, bad, foul, unpleasant, horrible, terrible, awful, nasty, disgusting, funny, strange, odd, sour, funky, metallic, stinky, rotten, rancid, putrid, rank, fishy.


    * (sensation) ** (pleasant) aroma, fragrance, odor/odour, scent ** (unpleasant) odor/odour, niff (informal), pong (informal), reek, stench, stink, whiff (informal) * (sense) olfaction (in technical use), sense of smell * See also


  • To sense a smell or smells.
  • To have a particular smell, whether good or bad; if descriptive, followed by "like" or "of".
  • * , chapter=8
  • , title= Mr. Pratt's Patients , passage=Philander went into the next room
  • (without a modifier) To smell bad; to stink.
  • (figurative) To have a particular tincture or smack of any quality; to savour.
  • * (John Milton)
  • Praises in an enemy are superfluous, or smell of craft.
  • (obsolete) To exercise sagacity.
  • (Shakespeare)
  • To detect or perceive; often with out .
  • * Shakespeare
  • I smell a device.
  • (obsolete) To give heed to.
  • * Latimer
  • From that time forward I began to smell the Word of God, and forsook the school doctors.

    Usage notes

    The sense "to smell bad, stink" is considered by some to be an incorrect substitute for stink.


    * (sense a smell or smells) detect, sense * (have the smell of) (all followed by'' like''' ''or'' ' of ) ** (pleasant) ** (unpleasant) pong (informal), reek, stink, whiff (informal)

    Derived terms

    * code smells * sense of smell (see olfaction) * smell a rat * smell blood * smell like a rose * smell of an oily rag * smell test * smell the barn * smelly * wake up and smell the coffee

    See also

    * anosmia * sense


    * *




  • (swell)

  • swell



  • To become bigger, especially due to being engorged.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Monarchs to behold the swelling scene!
  • To cause to become bigger.
  • Rains and dissolving snow swell the rivers in spring.
  • * Atterbury
  • It is low ebb with his accuser when such peccadilloes are put to swell the charge.
  • * {{quote-book, year=1905, author=
  • , title= , chapter=2 citation , passage=For this scene, a large number of supers are engaged, and in order to further swell the crowd, practically all the available stage hands have to ‘walk on’ dressed in various coloured dominoes, and all wearing masks.}}
  • * 2013 June 18, (Simon Romero), " Protests Widen as Brazilians Chide Leaders," New York Times (retrieved 21 June 2013):
  • After a harsh police crackdown last week fueled anger and swelled protests, President Dilma Rousseff, a former guerrilla who was imprisoned under the dictatorship and has now become the target of pointed criticism herself, tried to appease dissenters by embracing their cause on Tuesday.
  • To grow gradually in force or loudness.
  • The organ music swelled .
  • To raise to arrogance; to puff up; to inflate.
  • to be swelled with pride or haughtiness
  • To be raised to arrogance.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Here he comes, swelling like a turkey cock.
  • * Sir Walter Scott
  • You swell at the tartan, as the bull is said to do at scarlet.
  • To be elated; to rise arrogantly.
  • * Dryden
  • Your equal mind yet swells not into state.
  • To be turgid, bombastic, or extravagant.
  • swelling''' words; a '''swelling style
  • To protuberate; to bulge out.
  • A cask swells in the middle.


    (en noun)
  • The act of swelling.
  • Increase of power in style, or of rhetorical force.
  • * Landor:
  • the swell and subsidence of his periods
  • A long series of ocean waves, generally produced by wind, and lasting after the wind has ceased.
  • * 1883 , , Treasure Island , ch. 24:
  • There was a great, smooth swell upon the sea.
  • (music) A gradual crescendo followed by diminuendo.
  • * , chapter=5
  • , title= The Mirror and the Lamp , passage=He was thinking; but the glory of the song, the swell from the great organ, the clustered lights, […], the height and vastness of this noble fane, its antiquity and its strength—all these things seemed to have their part as causes of the thrilling emotion that accompanied his thoughts.}}
  • (music) A device for controlling the volume of a pipe organ.
  • (music) A division in a pipe organ, usually the largest enclosed division.
  • A hillock or similar raised area of terrain.
  • * 1909 , , The Last of the Chiefs , ch. 2:
  • Off on the crest of a swell a moving figure was seen now and then. "Antelope," said the hunters.
  • (informal) A person who is dressed in a fancy or elegant manner.
  • * , "The Kickleburys on the Rhine" in The Christmas Books of Mr. M. A. Titmarsh :
  • It costs him no more to wear all his ornaments about his distinguished person than to leave them at home. If you can be a swell at a cheap rate, why not?
  • * 1887 , , The Cash Boy , ch. 9:
  • He was dressed in a flashy style, not unlike what is popularly denominated a swell .
  • (informal) A person of high social standing; an important person.
  • * 1864 , , The Small House at Allington , ch. 2:
  • "I am not in Mr Crosbie's confidence. He is in the General Committee Office, I know; and, I believe, has pretty nearly the management of the whole of it." . . .
    "I'll tell you what he is, Bell; Mr Crosbie is a swell'." And Lilian Dale was right; Mr Crosbie was a ' swell .
  • * 1906 , , The Trespasser , ch. 8:
  • You buy a lot of Indian or halfbreed loafers with beaver-skins and rum, go to the Mount of the Burning Arrows, and these fellows dance round you and call you one of the lost race, the Mighty Men of the Kimash Hills. And they'll do that while the rum lasts. Meanwhile you get to think yourself a devil of a swell —you and the gods!


    * (person dressed in a fancy or elegant manner) dandy, dude, toff * (person of high social standing) toff

    Derived terms

    * ground swell, groundswell * upswell * wind swell


  • Excellent.
  • * 2012 , (Ariel Levy), "The Space In Between", The New Yorker , 10 Sep 2012:
  • Orgasms are swell , but they are not the remedy to every injustice.


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