Sixty vs Fiftysomething - What's the difference?
sixty | fiftysomething |
The cardinal number occurring after fifty-nine and before sixty-one, represented in Roman numerals as LX and in Arabic numerals as 60.
(countable, colloquial) A person aged between 50 and 59 years.
Between fifty and sixty.
As numerals the difference between sixty and fiftysomething
is that sixty is the cardinal number occurring after fifty-nine and before sixty-one, represented in roman numerals as lx and in arabic numerals as 60 while fiftysomething is between fifty and sixty.As a noun fiftysomething is
(countable|colloquial) a person aged between 50 and 59 years.sixty
* (Arabic numerals): * (Roman numerals): LXSee also
* Previous: fifty-nine, fifty * Next: sixty-one, seventyAnagrams
* English cardinal numbersfiftysomething
Alternative forms
* fifty-somethingNoun
- She was a spritely fiftysomething .