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Ride vs Sit - What's the difference?

ride | sit |

As a verb ride

is .

As a noun sit is


As an interjection sit is

shit, dammit.




  • (transitive) To transport oneself by sitting on and directing a horse, later also a bicycle etc.
  • * 1597 , William Shakespeare, King Henry IV, part 1 :
  • Go Peto, to horse: for thou, and I, / Haue thirtie miles to ride yet ere dinner time.
  • * 1814 , Jane Austen, Mansfield Park :
  • I will take my horse early tomorrow morning and ride over to Stoke, and settle with one of them.
  • * 1923 , "Mrs. Rinehart", Time , 28 Apr 1923:
  • It is characteristic of her that she hates trains, that she arrives from a rail-road journey a nervous wreck; but that she can ride a horse steadily for weeks through the most dangerous western passes.
  • * 2010 , The Guardian , 6 Oct 2010:
  • The original winner Azizulhasni Awang of Malaysia was relegated after riding too aggressively to storm from fourth to first on the final bend.
  • (transitive) To be transported in a vehicle; to travel as a passenger.
  • * 1851 , Herman Melville, Moby-Dick :
  • Now, in calm weather, to swim in the open ocean is as easy to the practised swimmer as to ride in a spring-carriage ashore.
  • * 1960 , "Biznelcmd", Time , 20 Jun 1960:
  • In an elaborately built, indoor San Francisco, passengers ride cable cars through quiet, hilly streets.
  • The cab rode him downtown.
  • Of a ship: to sail, to float on the water.
  • * Dryden
  • Men once walked where ships at anchor ride .
  • * 1719 , Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe :
  • By noon the sea went very high indeed, and our ship rode forecastle in, shipped several seas, and we thought once or twice our anchor had come home
  • (intransitive) To be carried or supported by something lightly and quickly; to travel in such a way, as though on horseback.
  • The witch cackled and rode away on her broomstick.
  • To support a rider, as a horse; to move under the saddle.
  • A horse rides easy or hard, slow or fast.
  • (transitive) To mount (someone) to have sex with them; to have sexual intercourse with.
  • * c. 1390 , Geoffrey Chaucer, "The Nun's Priest's Tale", Canterbury Tales :
  • Womman is mannes Ioye and al his blis / ffor whan I feele a nyght your softe syde / Al be it that I may nat on yow ryde / ffor þat oure perche is maad so narwe allas [...].
  • * 1997 , Linda Howard, Son of the Morning , p. 345:
  • She rode him hard, and he squeezed her breasts, and she came again.
  • (colloquial) To nag or criticize; to annoy (someone).
  • * 2002 , Myra MacPherson, Long Time Passing: Vietnam and the haunted generation , p. 375:
  • “One old boy started riding me about not having gone to Vietnam; I just spit my coffee at him, and he backed off.
  • Of clothing: to gradually move (up) and crease; to ruckle.
  • * 2008 , Ann Kessel, The Guardian , 27 Jul 2008:
  • In athletics, triple jumper Ashia Hansen advises a thong for training because, while knickers ride up, ‘thongs have nowhere left to go’: but in Beijing Britain's best are likely, she says, to forgo knickers altogether, preferring to go commando for their country under their GB kit.
  • To rely, depend (on).
  • * 2006 , "Grappling with deficits", The Economist , 9 Mar 2006:
  • With so much riding on the new payments system, it was thus a grave embarrassment to the government when the tariff for 2006-07 had to be withdrawn for amendments towards the end of February.
  • Of clothing: to rest (in a given way on a part of the body).
  • * 2001 , Jenny Eliscu, "Oops...she's doing it again", The Observer , 16 Sep 2001:
  • She's wearing inky-blue jeans that ride low enough on her hips that her aquamarine thong peeks out teasingly at the back.
  • (lacrosse) To play defense on the defensemen or midfielders, as an attackman.
  • To manage insolently at will; to domineer over.
  • * Jonathan Swift
  • The nobility could no longer endure to be ridden by bakers, cobblers, and brewers.
  • To convey, as by riding; to make or do by riding.
  • * Sir Walter Scott
  • The only men that safe can ride / Mine errands on the Scottish side.
  • (surgery) To overlap (each other); said of bones or fractured fragments.
  • Derived terms

    * ride bareback * ride bitch * ride herd on * ride one's luck * ride roughshod over * ride shotgun * ride tall in the saddle * ride the rails * ride the pine * ride with the punches


    (en noun)
  • An instance of riding.
  • Can I have a ride on your bike?
  • (informal) A vehicle.
  • That is a nice ride you are driving.
  • An amusement ridden at a fair or amusement park.
  • A lift given to someone in another person's vehicle.
  • Can you give me a ride ?
  • (UK) A road or avenue cut in a wood, for riding; a bridleway or other wide country path.
  • (UK, dialect, archaic) A saddle horse.
  • (Wright)

    Derived terms

    * bike-and-ride * free ride * go along for the ride * joy ride * Nantucket sleigh ride * ride cymbal * white-knuckle ride




  • (of a person) To be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs (especially the upper legs) are supported by some object.
  • After a long day of walking, it was good just to sit and relax.
  • (of a person) To move oneself into such a position.
  • I asked him to sit .
  • (of an object) To occupy a given position permanently.
  • The temple has sat atop that hill for centuries.
  • To remain in a state of repose; to rest; to abide; to rest in any position or condition.
  • * Bible, Numbers xxxii. 6
  • And Moses said to the children of Reuben, Shall your brothren go to war, and shall ye sit here?
  • * Shakespeare
  • Like a demigod here sit I in the sky.
  • (government) To be a member of a deliberative body.
  • I currently sit on a standards committee.
  • (legal, government) Of a legislative or, especially, a judicial body such as a court, to be in session.
  • In what city is the circuit court sitting for this session.
  • To lie, rest, or bear; to press or weigh.
  • * Jeremy Taylor
  • The calamity sits heavy on us.
  • To be adjusted; to fit.
  • Your new coat sits well.
  • * Shakespeare
  • This new and gorgeous garment, majesty, / Sits not so easy on me as you think.
  • (of an agreement or arrangement) To be accepted or acceptable; to work.
  • How will this new contract sit with the workers?
    I don’t think it will sit well.
    The violence in these video games sits awkwardly with their stated aim of educating children.
  • To cause to be seated or in a sitting posture; to furnish a seat to.
  • Sit him in front of the TV and he might watch for hours.
  • * 1874 , , (w), XX
  • To accommodate in seats; to seat.
  • The dining room table sits eight comfortably.
    I sat me weary on a pillar's base, / And leaned against the shaft
  • shortened form of babysit.
  • I'm going to sit for them on Thursday.
  • (US) To babysit
  • I need to find someone to sit my kids on Friday evening for four hours.
  • (transitive, Australia, New Zealand, UK) To take, to undergo or complete (an examination or test).
  • To cover and warm eggs for hatching, as a fowl; to brood; to incubate.
  • * Bible, Jer. xvii. 11
  • The partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not.
  • To take a position for the purpose of having some artistic representation of oneself made, such as a picture or a bust.
  • I'm sitting for a painter this evening.
  • To have position, as at the point blown from; to hold a relative position; to have direction.
  • * Selden
  • like a good miller that knows how to grind, which way soever the wind sits
  • * Sir Walter Scott
  • Sits the wind in that quarter?


    * An obsolete form of the simple past is (m) and of the past participle is (m). Entry about past simple sate in Webster's dictionary


    * (be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs are supported) be seated * (move oneself into such a position) be seated, sit down (from a standing position), sit up (from a prone position), take a seat * be, be found, be situated * (be a member of a deliberative body) * (be accepted) be accepted, be welcomed, be well received * (to accommodate in seats) seat

    Derived terms

    * sit around * sit back * sit by * sit down * sit for * sit idly by * sit in * sit-in * sit-inner * sit in for * sit in on * sit on * sit out * sit shivah * sit through * sit tight * sit up * sit up with

    See also

    * sit around * sit back * sit by * sit down * sit-in * sit on it, sit on it and rotate, sit on it and rotate till it bleeds * sit on one's hands * sit on the fence * sit out * sit pretty * sit through * sit tight * sit under * sit up * sit-upon


    (en noun)
  • (rare, Buddhism) an event (usually one full day or more) where the primary goal is to sit in meditation.
  • References

