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Significant vs Materially - What's the difference?

significant | materially |

As an adjective significant

is signifying something; carrying meaning.

As a noun significant

is that which has significance; a sign; a token; a symbol.

As an adverb materially is

in a material manner; with regard to physical things or characteristics.




(en adjective)
  • Signifying something; carrying meaning.
  • a significant''' word or sound; a '''significant look
  • * Sir Walter Raleigh
  • It was well said of Plotinus, that the stars were significant , but not efficient.
  • Having a covert or hidden meaning.
  • Having a noticeable or major effect; notable.
  • That was a significant step in the right direction.
    The First World War was a significant event.
  • Reasonably large in number or amount.
  • (statistics) Having a low probability of occurring by chance (for example, having high correlation and thus likely to be related).
  • Synonyms

    * important


    * insignificant * ignorable * negligible * slight


    (en noun)
  • That which has significance; a sign; a token; a symbol.
  • (Wordsworth)
  • * Shakespeare
  • In dumb significants proclaim your thoughts.
    (Webster 1913) ----




    (en adverb)
  • In a material manner; with regard to physical things or characteristics.
  • * 1894 , United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Finance, Opinions of Collectors of Customs Concerning Ad Valorem and Specific Rates of Duty on Imports
  • Tobacco, for instance, shrinks materially by frequent reshippings, and as all goods are warehoused as a convenience to importers, duties should be paid on what the importer receives.
  • To a significant degree.
  • * 1839 , Robley Dunglison, Dunglison's American medical library
  • In cases of extreme thickening of the coats of the stomach, of a scirrhoid character, where the suffering patients are almost worn out with constant pain, such remedies, applied over the epigastrium, most materially alleviate the distress.