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Shady vs Shadowy - What's the difference?

shady | shadowy |

As adjectives the difference between shady and shadowy

is that shady is abounding in shades while shadowy is in shadow; darkened by shadows.




  • Abounding in shades.
  • Causing shade.
  • * Bible, Job xl. 22
  • The shady trees cover him with their shadow.
  • Overspread with shade; sheltered from the glare of light or sultry heat.
  • * Francis Bacon
  • Cast it also that you may have rooms shady for summer and warm for winter.
  • (informal) Not trustworthy; disreputable.
  • He is a shady character.
  • * 2009 : Stuart Heritage], [http://www.hecklerspray.com/ Hecklerspray] , Friday the 22nd of May in 2009 at 1 o’clock p.m., “[http://www.hecklerspray.com/jon-kate-latest-people-you-dont-know-do-crap-you-dont-care-about/200934378.php Jon & Kate Latest: People You Don’t Know Do Crap You Don’t Care About
  • Jon & Kate Plus 8'' is a show based on two facts: 1)''' Jon and Kate Gosselin have eight children, and '''2)''' the word ‘Kate’ rhymes with the word ‘eight’. One suspects that if Kate were ever to have another child, a ' shady network executive would urge her to put it in a binbag with a brick and drop it down a well. But this is just a horrifying tangent.
  • (UK, slang) Mean, cruel.
  • ''Don't be shady , give us a go.
  • * '>citation
  • *
  • *
  • Synonyms

    * (not trustworthy) corrupt, dodgy, dubious, equivocal, seedy, sketchy, suspicious




  • In shadow; darkened by shadows.
  • He sat in a shadowy corner.
  • (of character) Dark, obscure.
  • He was a shadowy man who rarely spoke.
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2011 , date=December 19 , author=Kerry Brown , title=Kim Jong-il obituary , work=The Guardian citation , page= , passage=By 1980, South Korea had overtaken its northern neighbour, and was well on its way to being one of the Asian tigers – high-performing economies, with democratic movements ultimately winning power in the 1990s. The withdrawal of most Soviet aid in 1991, with the fall of the Soviet empire, pushed North Korea further down. Kim Il-sung had held a genuine place on North Korean people's affections. His son was regarded as a shadowy playboy, with rumours circulating over the years that he imported Russian and Chinese prostitutes, and lived a life of profligacy and excess.}}