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Sense vs Wisdom - What's the difference?

sense | wisdom |

As an adjective sense

is sensible, rational.

As a proper noun wisdom is

(biblical) the wisdom of solomon, a book of the old testament and the hebrew tanakh.




(en noun)
  • (senseid) Any of the manners by which living beings perceive the physical world: for humans sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste.
  • * (and other bibliographic particulars) (William Shakespeare)
  • Let fancy still my sense in Lethe steep.
  • * (and other bibliographic particulars) (Milton)
  • What surmounts the reach / Of human sense I shall delineate.
  • (senseid)Perception through the intellect; apprehension; awareness.
  • a sense of security
  • * (and other bibliographic particulars) Sir (Philip Sidney)
  • this Basilius, having the quick sense of a lover
  • * (and other bibliographic particulars) (John Milton)
  • high disdain from sense of injured merit
  • (senseid)Sound practical or moral judgment.
  • It's common sense not to put metal objects in a microwave oven.
  • * (and other bibliographic particulars) (w, L'Estrange)
  • Some are so hardened in wickedness as to have no sense of the most friendly offices.
  • (senseid)The meaning, reason, or value of something.
  • You don’t make any sense .
    the true sense of words or phrases
  • * Bible, Neh. viii. 8
  • So they read in the book in the law of God distinctly, and gave the sense .
  • * (and other bibliographic particulars) (Shakespeare)
  • I think 'twas in another sense .
  • (senseid)A natural appreciation or ability.
  • A keen musical sense
  • (senseid)(pragmatics) The way that a referent is presented.
  • (senseid)(semantics) A single conventional use of a word; one of the entries for a word in a dictionary.
  • (mathematics) One of two opposite directions in which a vector (especially of motion) may point. See also polarity.
  • (mathematics) One of two opposite directions of rotation, clockwise versus anti-clockwise.
  • (senseid) referring to the strand of a nucleic acid that directly specifies the product.
  • Hyponyms

    * See also

    Derived terms

    * sense of smell (see olfaction) * (l)

    See also

    * business sense * common sense * sixth sense * sight / vision * hearing / audition * taste / gustation * smell / olfaction * touch / tactition * thermoception * nociception * equilibrioception * proprioception


  • To use biological senses: to either smell, watch, taste, hear or feel.
  • To instinctively be aware.
  • She immediately sensed her disdain.
  • To comprehend.
  • Statistics



    * ----



    (wikipedia wisdom)


  • (uncountable) An element of personal character that enables one to distinguish the wise from the unwise.
  • (countable) A piece of wise advice.
  • The discretionary use of knowledge for the greatest good.
  • The ability to apply relevant knowledge in an insightful way, especially to different situations from that in which the knowledge was gained.
  • The ability to make a decision based on the combination of knowledge, experience, and intuitive understanding.
  • (theology) The ability to know and apply spiritual truths.
  • * 1652 , , The Fame and Confe??ion of the Fraternity of…the Ro?ie Cro?s , pages 1–2 of the preface
  • Wi?dom …is to a man an infinite Trea?ure, for ?he is the Breath of the Power of God, and a pure Influence that floweth from the Glory of the Almighty; ?he is the Brightne?s of Eternal Light, and an undefiled Mirror of the Maje?ty of God, and an Image of his Goodne?s; ?he teacheth us Soberne?s and Prudence, Righteou?ne?s and Strength; ?he under?tands the Subtilty of words, and Solution of dark ?entences; ?he foreknoweth Signs and Wonders, and what ?hall happen in time to come.


    * sagacity * sapience


    * foolishness * folly

    Derived terms

    * conventional wisdom * pearl of wisdom * wisdom tooth

    See also

    * morality English words suffixed with -dom ----