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Scheme vs Draught - What's the difference?

scheme | draught | Related terms |

Scheme is a related term of draught.

As nouns the difference between scheme and draught

is that scheme is while draught is the action or an act of pulling something along, especially a beast of burden, vehicle or tractor.

As a verb draught is

to draw out; to call forth see draft.



(wikipedia scheme)


(en noun)
  • A systematic plan of future action.
  • * Jonathan Swift
  • The stoical scheme of supplying our wants by lopping off our desires, is like cutting off our feet when we want shoes.
  • * {{quote-magazine, title=Ideas coming down the track, date=2013-06-01, volume=407, issue=8838
  • , page=13 (Technology Quarterly), magazine=(The Economist) citation , passage=A “moving platform” scheme
  • A plot or secret, devious plan.
  • An orderly combination of related parts.
  • * John Locke
  • the appearance and outward scheme of things
  • * Atterbury
  • such a scheme of things as shall at once take in time and eternity
  • * J. Edwards
  • arguments sufficient to support and demonstrate a whole scheme of moral philosophy
  • * Macaulay
  • The Revolution came and changed his whole scheme of life.
  • A chart or diagram of a system or object.
  • * South
  • to draw an exact scheme of Constantinople, or a map of France
  • (mathematics) A type of topological space.
  • (UK, chiefly, Scotland) A council housing estate.
  • * 2008 , (James Kelman), Kieron Smith, Boy , Penguin 2009, p. 101:
  • It was all too dear. They all just put their prices up because it was out in the scheme .
  • (rhetoric) An artful deviation from the ordinary arrangement of words.
  • (astrology) A representation of the aspects of the celestial bodies for any moment or at a given event.
  • * Sir Walter Scott
  • a blue case, from which was drawn a scheme of nativity
  • Part of a uniform resource identifier indicating the protocol or other purpose, such as http: or news:.
  • Usage notes

    In the US, generally has devious connotations, while in the UK, frequently used as a neutral term for projects: “The road is closed due to a pavement-widening scheme.”


    * (a systematic plan of future action) blueprint


  • To plot, or contrive a plan.
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2012 , date=April 26 , author=Tasha Robinson , title=Film: Reviews: The Pirates! Band Of Misfits : , work=The Onion AV Club citation , page= , passage=The openly ridiculous plot has The Pirate Captain (Hugh Grant) scheming to win the Pirate Of The Year competition, even though he’s a terrible pirate, far outclassed by rivals voiced by Jeremy Piven and Salma Hayek. }}


    * ----



    Alternative forms

    * draft (US)


    (en noun)
  • The action or an act of pulling something along, especially a beast of burden, vehicle or tractor.
  • * Sir W. Temple
  • A general custom of using oxen for all sort of draught would be, perhaps, the greatest improvement.
  • The act of drawing, or pulling back.
  • * Spenser
  • She sent an arrow forth with mighty draught .
  • That which is drawn.
  • * L'Estrange
  • He laid down his pipe, and cast his net, which brought him a very great draught .
  • That which draws, such as a team of oxen or horses.
  • Capacity of being drawn; force necessary to draw; traction.
  • * Mortimer
  • The Hertfordshire wheel plough is of the easiest draught .
  • The act of drawing up, marking out, or delineating; representation.
  • (Dryden)
  • A sketch, outline, or representation, whether written, designed, or drawn; a delineation; a draft.
  • * Macaulay
  • A draught of a Toleration Act was offered to the Parliament by a private member.
  • * South
  • No picture or draught of these things from the report of the eye.
  • A current of air (usually coming into a room or vehicle).
  • * Charles Dickens
  • He preferred to go and sit upon the stairs, in a strong draught of air, until he was again sent for.
  • (maritime) The depth below the water line to the bottom of a vessel's hull.
  • An amount of liquid that is drunk in one swallow.
  • She took a deep draught from the bottle of water.
  • * 1851 ,
  • *:“Drink and pass!” he cried, handing the heavy charged flagon to the nearest seaman. “The crew alone now drink. Round with it, round! Short draughts —long swallows, men; ’tis hot as Satan’s hoof.
  • The act of drawing in a net for fish.
  • * 1526 , William Tyndale, trans. Bible , Luke V:
  • he sayde vnto Simon: Cary vs into the depe, and lett slippe thy nett to make a draught .
  • * Sir M. Hale
  • Upon the draught of a pond, not one fish was left.
  • (British) A game piece used in the game of draughts.
  • (Australia) A type of beer, brewed using a top-fermenting yeast; ale.
  • (UK, Ireland) Beer drawn from a cask or keg rather than a bottle or can.
  • (dated) A dose of medicine in liquid form.
  • * 1919 ,
  • Finally I gave him a draught , and he sank into uneasy slumber.
  • (medicine, obsolete) A mild vesicatory.
  • to apply draughts to the feet
  • The bevel given to the pattern for a casting, so that it can be drawn from the sand without damaging the mould.
  • (obsolete) A privy.
  • * 1526 , William Tyndale, trans. Bible , Matthew XV:
  • Then sayde Jesus: are ye yett withoute understondinge? perceave ye not, that whatsoever goeth in at the mouth, descendeth doune into the bely, and ys cast out into the draught ?
  • * 1623 , William Shakespeare, Timon of Athens :
  • Rid me these Villaines from your companies; / Hang them, or stab them, drowne them in a draught , / Confound them by some course, and come to me, / Ile giue you Gold enough.
  • (obsolete) A drawing or picture.
  • * 1646 , Sir Thomas Browne, Pseudodoxia Epidemica , V.22:
  • And therefore, for the whole process, and full representation, there must be more than one draught ; the one representing him in station, the other in session, another in genuflexion.
  • (obsolete) A sudden attack or drawing upon an enemy.
  • * Spenser
  • drawing sudden draughts upon the enemy when he looketh not for you
  • (military) The act of selecting or detaching soldiers; a draft.
  • (military) The force drawn; a detachment; a draft.
  • Synonyms

    * (game) checkers * (mouthful of liquid) swig


    (en verb)
  • To draw out; to call forth. See draft.
  • (Addison)
  • To diminish or exhaust by drawing.
  • * Sir Walter Scott
  • The Parliament so often draughted and drained.
  • To draw in outline; to make a draught, sketch, or plan of, as in architectural and mechanical drawing.
  • (Webster 1913)