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Satiate vs Glut - What's the difference?

satiate | glut | Synonyms |

Satiate is a synonym of glut.

As a verb satiate

is to fill to satisfaction; to satisfy.

As an adjective satiate

is filled to satisfaction or to excess.

As a noun glut is

heat, glow.




  • To fill to satisfaction; to satisfy.
  • Nothing seemed to satiate her desire for knowledge.
  • To satisfy to excess. To fill to satiety.
  • Usage notes

    Used interchangeably with, and more common than, sate.Monthly Gleanings: November 2011]: Sate'' versus ''satiated''.”, ''[http://blog.oup.com/ OUPblog


    * sate

    Derived terms

    * satiated



    (en adjective)
  • Filled to satisfaction or to excess.
  • * Alexander Pope
  • satiate of applause




    (en noun)
  • an excess, too much
  • a glut of the market
  • * Macaulay
  • A glut of those talents which raise men to eminence.
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2011 , date=February 12 , author=Les Roopanarine , title=Birmingham 1 - 0 Stoke , work=BBC citation , page= , passage=Indeed, it was clear from the outset that anyone hoping for a repeat of last weekend's Premier League goal glut would have to look beyond St Andrew's. }}
  • That which is swallowed.
  • (Milton)
  • Something that fills up an opening; a clog.
  • A wooden wedge used in splitting blocks.
  • (mining) A piece of wood used to fill up behind cribbing or tubbing.
  • (Raymond)
  • (bricklaying) A bat, or small piece of brick, used to fill out a course.
  • (Knight)
  • (architecture) An arched opening to the ashpit of a kiln.
  • A block used for a fulcrum.
  • The broad-nosed eel (Anguilla latirostris ), found in Europe, Asia, the West Indies, etc.
  • (Webster 1913)


    * excess, overabundance, plethora, slew, surfeit, surplus


    * lack * shortage


  • To fill to capacity, to satisfy all requirement or demand, to sate.
  • to glut one's appetite
  • * Charles Kingsley
  • The realms of nature and of art were ransacked to glut the wonder, lust, and ferocity of a degraded populace.
  • To eat gluttonously or to satiety.
  • * Tennyson
  • Like three horses that have broken fence, / And glutted all night long breast-deep in corn.

