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Shack vs Sack - What's the difference?

shack | sack |

As nouns the difference between shack and sack

is that shack is a crude, roughly built hut or cabin while sack is a bag; especially a large bag of strong, coarse material for storage and handling of various commodities, such as potatoes, coal, coffee; or, a bag with handles used at a supermarket, a grocery sack; or, a small bag for small items, a satchel.

As verbs the difference between shack and sack

is that shack is to live in or with; to shack up while sack is to put in a sack or sacks.



(wikipedia shack)

Etymology 1

Some authorities derive this word from (etyl)


(en noun)
  • A crude, roughly built hut or cabin.
  • * {{quote-book, year=1913, author=
  • , title=Lord Stranleigh Abroad , chapter=6 citation , passage=The men resided in a huge bunk house, which consisted of one room only, with a shack outside where the cooking was done. In the large room were a dozen bunks?; half of them in a very dishevelled state, […]}}
  • Any unpleasant, poorly constructed or poorly furnished building.
  • Verb

    (en verb)
  • To live in or with; to shack up.
  • Etymology 2

    Obsolete variant of shake. Compare (etyl) .


  • (obsolete) Grain fallen to the ground and left after harvest.
  • (obsolete) Nuts which have fallen to the ground.
  • (obsolete) Freedom to pasturage in order to feed upon shack .
  • * 1918, Christobel Mary Hoare Hood, The History of an East Anglian Soke [http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&hl=en&vid=OCLC11859773&id=rI0iE-yqyAMC&q=%22right+to+shack%22&prev=http://books.google.com/books%3Flr%3D%26q%3D%2522right%2Bto%2Bshack%2522&pgis=1]
  • [...] first comes the case of tenants with a customary right to shack their sheep and cattle who have overburdened the fields with a larger number of beasts than their tenement entitles them to, or who have allowed their beasts to feed in the field out of shack time.
  • * 1996, J M Neeson, Commoners [http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&hl=en&vid=ISBN0521567742&id=2CqhjjiwLtEC&pg=PA76&lpg=PA76&sig=3geUREguU3vTYj_05PtAfzFODDA]
  • The fields were enclosed by Act in 1791, and Tharp gave the cottagers about thirteen acres for their right of shack .
  • (UK, US, dialect, obsolete) A shiftless fellow; a low, itinerant beggar; a vagabond; a tramp.
  • (Forby)
  • * Henry Ward Beecher
  • All the poor old shacks about the town found a friend in Deacon Marble.
    Derived terms
    * common of shack


    (en verb)
  • (obsolete) To shed or fall, as corn or grain at harvest.
  • (obsolete) To feed in stubble, or upon waste.
  • (Grose)
  • * 1918, Christobel Mary Hoare Hood, The History of an East Anglian Soke [http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&hl=en&vid=OCLC11859773&id=rI0iE-yqyAMC&q=%22right+to+shack%22&prev=http://books.google.com/books%3Flr%3D%26q%3D%2522right%2Bto%2Bshack%2522&pgis=1]
  • first comes the case of tenants with a customary right to shack their sheep and cattle who have overburdened the fields with a larger number of beasts than their tenement entitles them to, or who have allowed their beasts to feed in the field out of shack time.
  • (UK, dialect) To wander as a vagabond or tramp.
  • Anagrams





    Etymology 1

    From (etyl) . (Sense evolution) * “Pillage” senses from the use of sacks in carrying off plunder. From (etyl) . ''See also ransack. American football “tackle” sense from this “plunder, conquer” root. * “Removal from employment” senses attested since 1825; the original formula was “to give (someone) the sack”, likely from the notion of a worker going off with his tools in a sack, or being given such a sack for his personal belongings as part of an expedient severance. Idiom exists earlier in (etyl) (on luy a donné son sac'', 17c.) and (etyl) (iemand den zak geven). English verb in this sense recorded from 1841. Current verb, ''to sack (“to fire”) carries influence from the forceful nature of “plunder, tackle” verb senses. * Slang meaning “bunk, bed” is attested since 1825, originally nautical, likely in reference to sleeping bags. The verb meaning “go to bed” is recorded from 1946.


    (en noun)
  • A bag; especially a large bag of strong, coarse material for storage and handling of various commodities, such as potatoes, coal, coffee; or, a bag with handles used at a supermarket, a grocery sack; or, a small bag for small items, a satchel.
  • The amount a sack holds; also, an archaic or historical measure of varying capacity, depending on commodity type and according to local usage; an old English measure of weight, usually of wool, equal to 13 stone (182 pounds), or in other sources, 26 stone (364 pounds).
  • * The American sack''' of salt is 215 pounds; the '''sack of wheat, two bushels. — McElrath.
  • * 1843 , The Penny Cyclopaedia of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge , Vol. 27, page 202
  • Seven pounds make a clove, 2 cloves a stone, 2 stone a tod, 6 1/2 tods a wey, 2 weys a sack, 12 sacks a last. [...] It is to be observed here that a sack is 13 tods, and a tod 28 pounds, so that the sack is 364 pounds.
  • * 1882 , , A History of Agriculture and Prices in England , Volume 4, page 209
  • Generally, however, the stone or petra, almost always of 14 lbs., is used, the tod of 28 lbs., and the sack of thirteen stone.
  • (uncountable) The plunder and pillaging of a captured town or city.
  • The sack of Rome.
  • (uncountable) Loot or booty obtained by pillage.
  • (American football) A successful tackle of the quarterback. See verb sense3 below .
  • (baseball) One of the square bases anchored at first base, second base, or third base.
  • He twisted his ankle sliding into the sack at second.
  • (informal) Dismissal from employment, or discharge from a position, usually as give (someone) the sack' or '''get the sack . ''See verb sense4 below.
  • The boss is gonna give her the sack today.
    He got the sack for being late all the time.
  • (colloquial, US) Bed; usually as hit the sack' or '''in the sack'''. ''See also'' ' sack out .
  • (dated) (also sacque ) A kind of loose-fitting gown or dress with sleeves which hangs from the shoulders, such as a gown with a , fashionable in the late 17th to 18th century; or, formerly, a loose-fitting hip-length jacket, cloak or cape.
  • * 1749 , , Google Books
  • Molly, therefore, having dressed herself out in this sack , with a new laced cap, and some other ornaments which Tom had given her, repairs to church with her fan in her hand the very next Sunday.
  • (dated) A sack coat; a kind of coat worn by men, and extending from top to bottom without a cross seam.
  • (vulgar, slang) The scrotum.
  • He got passed the ball, but it hit him in the sack .
    * (bag) bag, tote, poke (obsolete) * the axe]], pink slip, the boot, the chop, the elbow, one's cards, [[give somebody the heave-ho, the old heave-ho * hay, rack * ballsack, ball sack, nutsack
    * (bag) bindle
    Derived terms
    * * ballsack, ball sack * bivouac sack * cat in the sack * dub sack * get the sack, give the sack * gunny sack, gunnysack * hacky sack, hackysack * Hacky-Sack, hackeysack, * hit the sack * in the sack * nutsack * sackcloth * sack race * sackful * sacking (n. ) * sad sack


    (en verb)
  • To put in a sack or sacks.
  • Help me sack the groceries.
  • * 1903 , ,
  • The gold was sacked in moose-hide bags, fifty pounds to the bag
  • To bear or carry in a sack upon the back or the shoulders.
  • To plunder or pillage, especially after capture; to obtain spoils of war from.
  • The barbarians sacked Rome.
  • * 1898 , ,
  • It [a lyre] was part of the spoils which he had taken when he sacked the city of Eetion
  • (American football) To tackle, usually to tackle the offensive quarterback behind the line of scrimmage before he is able to throw a pass.
  • * 1995 , John Crumpacker and Gwen Knapp, " Sack-happy defensive line stuns Dolphins", SFGate.com, November 21,
  • On third down, the rejuvenated Rickey Jackson stormed in over All-Pro left tackle Richmond Webb to sack Marino yet again for a 2-yard loss.
  • (informal) To discharge from a job or position; to fire.
  • He was sacked last September.
  • * 1999 , " Russian media mogul dismisses Yeltsin's bid to sack him", CNN.com, March 5,
  • (colloquial) In the phrase sack out', to fall asleep. ''See also'' ' hit the sack .
  • The kids all sacked out before 9:00 on New Year’s Eve.
    * loot, ransack * (to remove someone from a job) can, dismiss, fire, lay off, let go, terminate, make redundant, give the axe, give the boot, give (someone) their cards, give the chop]], give the elbow, give the old heave-ho, See also : [[Wikisaurus:lay off * rack
    Derived terms
    * sackable * sacker * sack out

    Etymology 2

    From earlier (wyne)


    (en noun)
  • (dated) A variety of light-colored dry wine from Spain or the Canary Islands; also, any strong white wine from southern Europe; sherry.
  • *
  • Will't please your lordship drink a cup of sack'? ...I ne'er drank ' sack in my life...
  • *
  • Thou art so fat-witted, with drinking of old sack'...let a cup of '''sack''' be my poison...Wherein is he good, but to taste ' sack and drink it?
  • * 1610 , , act 2 scene 2
  • How didst thou 'scape? How cam'st thou hither? swear / by this bottle how thou cam'st hither—I escaped upon / a butt of sack , which the sailors heaved overboard, by / this bottle! [...]
    Derived terms
    * sack-whey

    Etymology 3


    (en verb)
  • Noun

    (en noun)
  • See also

    * (wikipedia "sack") *


    * *