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Rotten vs Imperfect - What's the difference?

rotten | imperfect | Related terms |

Rotten is a related term of imperfect.

As nouns the difference between rotten and imperfect

is that rotten is while imperfect is something having a minor flaw.

As an adjective imperfect is

not perfect.




  • Of perishable items, overridden with bacteria and other infectious agents.
  • If you leave a bin unattended for a few weeks, the rubbish inside will turn rotten .
  • In a state of decay.
  • The floors were damaged and the walls were rotten .
    His mouth stank and his teeth were rotten .
  • Cruel, mean or immoral.
  • That man is a rotten father.
    This rotten policy will create more injustice in this country.
  • Bad or terrible.
  • Why is the weather always rotten in this city?
    It was a rotten idea to take the boat out today.
    She has the flu and feels rotten .

    Usage notes

    * Nouns to which "rotten" is often applied: wood, food, egg, meat, fruit, tomato, apple, banana, milk, vegetable, stuff, tooth, smell, person, kid, bastard, scoundrel, weather.


    (en adverb)
  • To an extreme degree.
  • That kid is spoilt rotten .
    The girls fancy him something rotten .


    * ----




    (en adjective)
  • Not perfect.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Why, then, your other senses grow imperfect .
  • * Milton
  • Nothing imperfect or deficient left / Of all that he created.
  • * Alexander Pope
  • Then say not man's imperfect , Heaven in fault; / Say rather, man's as perfect as he ought.
  • (botany) unisexual: having either male (with stamens) or female (with pistil) flowers, but not with both.
  • (taxonomy) Known or expected to be polyphyletic, as of a form taxon.
  • (obsolete) Lacking some elementary organ that is essential to successful or normal activity.
  • * Jeremy Taylor
  • He stammered like a child, or an amazed, imperfect person.


    * (not perfect) defective, fallible, faultful


    * (not perfect) perfect, infallible, faultless * (unisexual) perfect


    (en noun)
  • Something having a minor flaw
  • (grammar) A tense of verbs used in describing a past action that is incomplete or continuous.