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Debate vs Review - What's the difference?

debate | review | Related terms |

Debate is a related term of review.

In obsolete|lang=en terms the difference between debate and review

is that debate is (obsolete) strife, discord while review is (obsolete) to retrace; to go over again.

As nouns the difference between debate and review

is that debate is (obsolete) strife, discord while review is a second or subsequent reading of a text or artifact.

As verbs the difference between debate and review

is that debate is (ambitransitive) to participate in a debate; to dispute, argue, especially in a public arena while review is to survey; to look broadly over.




  • (obsolete) Strife, discord.
  • An argument, or discussion, usually in an ordered or formal setting, often with more than two people, generally ending with a vote or other decision.
  • An informal and spirited but generally civil discussion of opposing views.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-07-26, author=(Leo Hickman)
  • , volume=189, issue=7, page=26, magazine=(The Guardian Weekly) , title= How algorithms rule the world , passage=The use of algorithms in policing is one example of their increasing influence on our lives. And, as their ubiquity spreads, so too does the debate around whether we should allow ourselves to become so reliant on them – and who, if anyone, is policing their use.}}
  • (uncountable) Discussion of opposing views.
  • * {{quote-magazine, year=2013, month=September-October, author= Katie L. Burke
  • , magazine=(American Scientist), title= In the News , passage=Oxygen levels on Earth skyrocketed 2.4 billion years ago, when cyanobacteria evolved photosynthesis:
  • (Frequently in French form débat) A type of literary composition, taking the form of a discussion or disputation, commonly found in the vernacular medieval poetry of many European countries, as well as in .
  • Verb

  • (ambitransitive) To participate in a debate; to dispute, argue, especially in a public arena.
  • * Shakespeare
  • a wise council that did debate this business
  • * Bible, Proverbs xxv. 9
  • Debate thy cause with thy neighbour himself.
  • * Tatler
  • He presents that great soul debating upon the subject of life and death with his intimate friends.
  • (obsolete) To fight.
  • * 1590 , Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene , II.viii:
  • Well knew they both his person, sith of late / With him in bloudie armes they rashly did debate .
  • (obsolete) To engage in combat for; to strive for.
  • * Prescott
  • Volunteers thronged to serve under his banner, and the cause of religion was debated with the same ardour in Spain as on the plains of Palestine.
  • (lb) To consider (to oneself), to think over, to attempt to decide
  • Derived terms

    * debater


    * ----



    (wikipedia review)


    (en noun)
  • A second or subsequent reading of a text or artifact.
  • I need to make a review of the book before I can understand it.
  • An account intended as a critical evaluation of a text or a piece of work.
  • The newspaper review was full of praise for the play.
  • (legal) A judicial reassessment of a case or an event.
  • The victims demanded a full judical review of the case.
  • A stage show made up of sketches etc.
  • The Cambridge Footlights Review launched many Monty Python faces.
  • A survey of the available items or material.
  • The magazine contained a review of Paris restaurants.
  • A periodical which makes a survey of the arts or some other field.
  • The Times Literary Review is published in London.
  • A military inspection or display for the benefit of superiors or VIPs.
  • The troops assembled for a review by the Queen.
  • A forensic inspection to assess compliance with regulations or some code.
  • The regulators demanded a review against NYSE practices.

    Derived terms

    * * judicial review


    (en verb)
  • To survey; to look broadly over.
  • Before I tackle the question directly, I must briefly review historical approaches to the problem.
  • To write a critical evaluation of a new art work etc.; to write a review.
  • The critic reviews every new play in London.
  • * '>citation
  • To look back over in order to correct or edit; to revise.
  • (obsolete) To view or see again; to look back on.
  • * 1610–11 , (William Shakespeare), '', act IV, scene iv, in ''The Works of Mr. ''William Shake?pear''; in Eight Volumes , volume II (1709), page 954:
  • Cam''[''illo'']   What I do next, ?hall be next to tell the King // Of this E?cape, and whither they are bound: // Wherein my hope is, I ?hall ?o prevail, // To force him after: in who?e company // I ?hall review ''Sicilia ; for who?e ?ight, // I have a Woman’s Longing.
  • (obsolete) To retrace; to go over again.
  • * 1726 , (Alexander Pope) (translator), (Homer) (author), (Odyssey)'', book III, lines 127–128, in ''The Ody??ey of Homer , volume I (1760), page 113:
  • Shall I the long, laborious ?cene review , // And open all the wounds of Greece anew?

    See also

    * revise (v.)

