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Responsible vs Attributed - What's the difference?

responsible | attributed |

As an adjective responsible

is answerable for an act performed or for its consequences; accountable; amenable, especially legally or politically.

As a verb attributed is





(en adjective)
  • Answerable for an act performed or for its consequences; accountable; amenable, especially legally or politically.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2012-03
  • , author=William E. Carter, Merri Sue Carter , title=The British Longitude Act Reconsidered , volume=100, issue=2, page=87 , magazine= citation , passage=But was it responsible governance to pass the Longitude Act without other efforts to protect British seamen? Or might it have been subterfuge—a disingenuous attempt to shift attention away from the realities of their life at sea.}}
    Parents are responsible for their child's behaviour.
  • Capable of responding to any reasonable claim; able to answer reasonably for one's conduct and obligations; capable of rational conduct.
  • Involving responsibility; involving a degree of personal accountability on the part of the person concerned.
  • She has a responsible position in the firm.
  • Being a primary cause or agent of some event or action; capable of being credited for something, or of being held liable for something.
  • Who is responsible for this mess?
  • Able to be trusted; reliable; trustworthy.
  • He looks like a responsible guy.


    * irresponsible


    * *




  • (attribute)

  • attribute


    (en noun)
  • A characteristic or quality of a thing.
  • His finest attribute is his kindness.
  • (grammar) A word that qualifies a noun.
  • In the clause "My jacket is more expensive than yours", "My" is the attribute of "jacket".
  • (computing) The applicable option selection; a variable or a value.
  • This packet has its coherency attribute set to zero.
  • (logic) That which is predicated or affirmed of a subject; a predicate; an accident.
  • (computing, programming) A semantic item with which a method, etc. may be decorated.
  • There are some more implementations which use C
  • attribute s to define custom attributes specific to the AOP engine. Then the classes that need to be intercepted will be decorated with these custom attributes.
  • Synonyms

    * See also

    Derived terms

    () * attributeness * relational attribute


  • To ascribe (something) (to) a given cause, reason etc.
  • * Archbishop Tillotson
  • We attribute nothing to God that hath any repugnancy or contradiction in it.
  • * Shakespeare
  • The merit of service is seldom attributed to the true and exact performer.
  • * 2009 , (Diarmaid MacCulloch), A History of Christianity , Penguin 2010, p. 278:
  • H?kim's atypical actions should not be attributed to Islam as much as to insanity, which eventually led him to proclaim himself as Allah, whereupon he was murdered by outraged fellow Muslims.
  • To associate ownership or authorship of (something) (to) someone.
  • This poem is attributed to Browning.

    Derived terms

    () * attributable * attribution