Republic vs Fascism - What's the difference?
republic | fascism |
A state where sovereignty rests with the people or their representatives, rather than with a monarch or emperor; a country with no monarchy.
*:“[…] We are engaged in a great work, a treatise on our river fortifications, perhaps?? But since when did army officers afford the luxury of amanuenses in this simple republic??”
(lb) A state, which may or may not be a monarchy, in which the executive and legislative branches of government are separate.
*1795 , (Immanuel Kant),
*:Republicanism is the political principle of the separation of the executive power (the administration) from the legislative; despotism is that of the autonomous execution by the state of laws which it has itself decreed.. None of the ancient so-called "republics " knew this system, and they all finally and inevitably degenerated into despotism under the sovereignty of one, which is the most bearable of all forms of despotism.
One of the subdivisions constituting Russia. See oblast.
(historical) A political regime, having totalitarian aspirations, ideologically based on a relationship between business and the centralized government, business-and-government control of the market place, repression of criticism or opposition, a leader cult and exalting the state and/or religion above individual rights. Originally only applied (usually capitalized) to (Benito Mussolini)'s Italy.
By vague analogy, any system of strong autocracy or oligarchy usually to the extent of bending and breaking the law, race-baiting and violence against largely unarmed populations.