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Spurn vs Renounce - What's the difference?

spurn | renounce |

In lang=en terms the difference between spurn and renounce

is that spurn is to waste; fail to make the most of (an opportunity) while renounce is to surrender formally some right or trust.

As verbs the difference between spurn and renounce

is that spurn is (ambitransitive) to reject disdainfully; contemn; scorn while renounce is to give up, resign, surrender.

As nouns the difference between spurn and renounce

is that spurn is an act of spurning; a scornful rejection while renounce is (card games) an act of.




(en verb)
  • (ambitransitive) To reject disdainfully; contemn; scorn.
  • * Shakespeare
  • to spurn at your most royal image
  • * Shakespeare
  • What safe and nicely I might well delay / By rule of knighthood, I disdain and spurn .
  • * John Locke
  • Domestics will pay a more cheerful service when they find themselves not spurned because fortune has laid them at their master's feet.
  • To reject something by pushing it away with the foot.
  • * Shakespeare
  • I spurn thee like a cur out of my way.
  • To waste; fail to make the most of (an opportunity)
  • * {{quote-news
  • , year=2011 , date=September 28 , author=Tom Rostance , title=Arsenal 2 - 1 Olympiakos , work=BBC Sport citation , page= , passage=Marouane Chamakh then spurned a great chance to kill the game off when he ran onto Andrey Arshavin's lofted through ball but shanked his shot horribly across the face of goal.}}
  • (obsolete) To kick or toss up the heels.
  • * Chaucer
  • The miller spurned at a stone.
  • * Gay
  • The drunken chairman in the kennel spurns .

    Derived terms

    * spurner


    (en noun)
  • An act of spurning; a scornful rejection.
  • A kick; a blow with the foot.
  • * Milton
  • What defence can properly be used in such a despicable encounter as this but either the slap or the spurn ?
  • (obsolete) Disdainful rejection; contemptuous treatment.
  • * Shakespeare
  • The insolence of office and the spurns / That patient merit of the unworthy takes.
  • A body of coal left to sustain an overhanging mass.
  • renounce



    (en noun)
  • (card games) An act of .
  • Verb

  • To give up, resign, surrender.
  • to renounce a title to land or to a throne
  • To cast off, repudiate.
  • * Shakespeare
  • This world I do renounce , and in your sights / Shake patiently my great affliction off.
  • To decline further association with someone or something, disown.
  • To abandon, forsake, discontinue (an action, habit, intention, etc), sometimes by open declaration.
  • To make a renunciation of something.
  • * Dryden
  • He of my sons who fails to make it good, / By one rebellious act renounces to my blood.
  • To surrender formally some right or trust.
  • * W. D. Christie
  • Dryden died without a will, and his widow having renounced , his son Charles administered on June 10.
  • (card games) To fail to follow suit; playing a card of a different suit when having no card of the suit led.
  • Derived terms

    * renounceable * renouncement * renouncer

