Normal vs Regualr - What's the difference?
normal | regualr |
According to norms or rules.
Healthy; not sick or ill.
Pertaining to a school to teach teachers how to teach.
(chemistry) Of, relating to, or being a solution containing one equivalent weight of solute per litre of solution.
(organic chemistry) Describing a straight chain isomer of an aliphatic hydrocarbon, or an aliphatic compound in which a substituent is in the 1- position of such a hydrocarbon.
(physics) (Of a mode in an oscillating system ) In which all parts of an object vibrate at the same frequency; See .
(geometry) Perpendicular to a tangent line or derivative of a surface in Euclidean space.
* The interior normal vector of a ideal perfect sphere will always point toward the center, and the exterior normal vector directly away, and both will always be co-linear with the ray whose' tip ends at the point of intersection, which is the intersection of all three sets of points.
(algebra) (Of a subgroup) whose cosets form a group.
(algebra) (Of a field extension of a field K) which is the splitting field of a family of polynomials in K.
(probability theory, statistics) (Of a distribution) which has a very specific bell curve shape.
(complex analysis) (Of a family of continuous functions) which is pre-compact.
(set theory) (Of a function from the ordinals to the ordinals) which is strictly monotonically increasing and continuous with respect to the order topology.
(linear algebra) (Of a matrix) which commutes with its conjugate transpose.
(functional analysis) (Of a Hilbert space operator) which commutes with its adjoint.
(category theory) (Of an epimorphism) which is the cokernel of some morphism.
(category theory) (Of a monomorphism) which is the kernel of some morphism.
(category theory) (Of a morphism) which is a normal epimorphism or a normal monomorphism.
(category theory) (Of a category) in which every monomorphism is normal.
(Of a real number) whose digits, in any base representation, enjoy a uniform distribution.
(topology) (Of a topology) in which disjoint closed sets can be separated by disjoint neighborhoods.
(rail transport, Of points) in the default position, set for the most frequently used route.
(geometry) A line or vector that is perpendicular to another line, surface, or plane.
(slang) A person who is normal, who fits into mainstream society, as opposed to those who live alternative lifestyles.