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Recognise vs Approve - What's the difference?

recognise | approve |

In lang=en terms the difference between recognise and approve

is that recognise is to give an award while approve is to consider or show to be worthy of approbation or acceptance.

As verbs the difference between recognise and approve

is that recognise is to match something or someone which one currently perceives to a memory of some previous encounter with the same entity while approve is to sanction officially; to ratify; to confirm or approve can be (english law) to make profit of; to convert to one's own profit;—said especially of waste or common land appropriated by the lord of the manor.



Alternative forms

* recognize (US )


  • To match something or someone which one currently perceives to a memory of some previous encounter with the same entity.
  • To acknowledge the existence or legality of something; treat as worthy of consideration or valid.
  • To acknowledge or consider as something.
  • *{{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-28, author=(Joris Luyendijk)
  • , volume=189, issue=3, page=21, magazine=(The Guardian Weekly) , title= Our banks are out of control , passage=Seeing the British establishment struggle with the financial sector is like watching an alcoholic […].  Until 2008 there was denial over what finance had become. […]  But the scandals kept coming, and so we entered stage three – what therapists call "bargaining". A broad section of the political class now recognises the need for change but remains unable to see the necessity of a fundamental overhaul.}}
  • To realise or discover the nature of something; apprehend quality in; realise or admit that.
  • *{{quote-book, year=1913, author=
  • , title=Lord Stranleigh Abroad, chapter=4 citation , passage=“[…] That woman is stark mad, Lord Stranleigh. Her own father recognised it when he bereft her of all power in the great business he founded. […]”}}
  • To give an award.
  • Anagrams




    Etymology 1

    From (etyl) . Compare prove, approbate.


  • To sanction officially; to ratify; to confirm.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2013-08-10, volume=408, issue=8848, magazine=(The Economist)
  • , title= Can China clean up fast enough? , passage=It has jailed environmental activists and is planning to limit the power of judicial oversight by handing a state-approved body a monopoly over bringing environmental lawsuits.}}
  • To regard as good; to commend; to be pleased with; to think well of.
  • To make proof of; to demonstrate; to prove or show practically.
  • * (Ralph Waldo Emerson),
  • Opportunities to approve worth.
  • * (Thomas Babington Macaulay),
  • He had approved himself a great warrior.
  • * (George Gordon Byron),
  • 'T is an old lesson; Time approves it true.
  • * (Francis Parkman),
  • His accountapproves him a man of thought.
  • To consider or show to be worthy of approbation or acceptance.
  • * (Henry Rogers),
  • The first care and concern must be to approve himself to God.
  • * (Thomas Babington Macaulay),
  • They had not approved of the deposition of James.
  • * (William Black),
  • They approved of the political institutions.
    Note: This word, when it signifies to be pleased with, to think favorably (of''), is often followed by ''of .
    Derived terms
    () * approval * approvable * I approve this message * approvably * approbation

    Etymology 2

    (etyl) aprouer; . Compare with improve.


  • (English Law) To make profit of; to convert to one's own profit;—said especially of waste or common land appropriated by the lord of the manor.
  • References
