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Rate vs Weigh - What's the difference?

rate | weigh | Related terms |

Rate is a related term of weigh.

As a noun rate

is rot (process of something decaying or rotting ).

As a verb weigh is

to determine the weight of an object.



Etymology 1

From (etyl), from . (wikipedia rate)


(en noun)
  • (obsolete) The estimated worth of something; value.
  • * 1599 , William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet , V.3:
  • There shall no figure at such rate be set, / As that of true and faithfull Iuliet.
  • The proportional relationship between one amount, value etc. and another.
  • * {{quote-magazine, title=No hiding place
  • , date=2013-05-25, volume=407, issue=8837, page=74, magazine=(The Economist) citation , passage=In America alone, people spent $170 billion on “direct marketing”—junk mail of both the physical and electronic varieties—last year. Yet of those who received unsolicited adverts through the post, only 3% bought anything as a result. If the bumf arrived electronically, the take-up rate was 0.1%. And for online adverts the “conversion” into sales was a minuscule 0.01%.}}
  • Speed.
  • * Clarendon
  • Many of the horse could not march at that rate , nor come up soon enough.
  • The relative speed of change or progress.
  • The price of (an individual) thing; cost.
  • A set price or charge for all examples of a given case, commodity, service etc.
  • A wage calculated in relation to a unit of time.
  • Any of various taxes, especially those levied by a local authority.
  • (nautical) A class into which ships were assigned based on condition, size etc.; by extension, rank.
  • (obsolete) Established portion or measure; fixed allowance; ration.
  • * Spenser
  • The one right feeble through the evil rate / Of food which in her duress she had found.
  • (obsolete) Order; arrangement.
  • * Spenser
  • Thus sat they all around in seemly rate .
  • (obsolete) Ratification; approval.
  • (Chapman)
  • (horology) The gain or loss of a timepiece in a unit of time.
  • daily rate'''; hourly '''rate ; etc.
    Derived terms
    * at any rate * exchange rate * flat rate * interest rate * mortality rate * failure rate * rate limiting


  • To assign or be assigned a particular rank or level.
  • She is rated fourth in the country.
  • To evaluate or estimate the value of.
  • They rate his talents highly.
  • * South
  • To rate a man by the nature of his companions is a rule frequent indeed, but not infallible.
  • To consider or regard.
  • He rated this book brilliant.
  • To deserve; to be worth.
  • The view here hardly rates a mention in the travel guide.
  • * 1955 , edition, ISBN 0553249592, page 101:
  • Only two assistant district attorneys rate corner offices, and Mandelbaum wasn't one of them.
  • To determine the limits of safe functioning for a machine or electrical device.
  • The transformer is rated at 10 watts.
  • (transitive, chiefly, British) To evaluate a property's value for the purposes of local taxation.
  • (informal) To like; to think highly of.
  • The customers don't rate the new burgers.
  • To have position (in a certain class).
  • She rates among the most excellent chefs in the world.
    He rates as the best cyclist in the country.
  • To have value or standing.
  • This last performance of hers didn't rate very high with the judges.
  • To ratify.
  • * Chapman
  • to rate the truce
  • To ascertain the exact rate of the gain or loss of (a chronometer) as compared with true time.
  • Synonyms
    * (have position in a certain class) rank

    Derived terms

    * rating

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) .


  • To berate, scold.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Go, rate thy minions, proud, insulting boy!
  • * Barrow
  • Conscience is a check to beginners in sin, reclaiming them from it, and rating them for it.
  • * 1526 , William Tyndale, trans. Bible , John IX:
  • Then rated they hym, and sayde: Thou arte hys disciple.
  • * , I.56:
  • Andronicus'' the Emperour, finding by chance in his pallace certaine principall men very earnestly disputing against ''Lapodius about one of our points of great importance, taunted and rated them very bitterly, and threatened if they gave not over, he would cause them to be cast into the river.
  • * 1825 , Sir (Walter Scott), , ch.iv:
  • He beheld him, his head still muffled in the veila man borne down and crushed to the earth by the burden of his inward feelings.
  • * 1843 , (Thomas Carlyle), '', book 2, ch.XV, ''Practical — Devotional
  • The successful monk, on the morrow morning, hastens home to . The successful monk, arriving at Ely, is rated for a goose and an owl; is ordered back to say that (Elmset) was the place meant.






    (en verb)
  • To determine the weight of an object.
  • Often with "out", to measure a certain amount of something by its weight, e.g. for sale.
  • He weighed out two kilos of oranges for a client.
  • (figuratively) To determine the intrinsic value or merit of an object, to evaluate.
  • You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting.
  • (intransitive, figuratively, obsolete) To judge; to estimate.
  • * Spenser
  • could not weigh of worthiness aright
  • To consider a subject. (rfex)
  • To have a certain weight.
  • I weigh ten and a half stone.
  • To have weight; to be heavy; to press down.
  • * Cowper
  • They only weigh the heavier.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Cleanse the stuffed bosom of that perilous stuff / Which weighs upon the heart.
  • To be considered as important; to have weight in the intellectual balance.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Your vows to her and me will even weigh .
  • * John Locke
  • This objection ought to weigh with those whose reading is designed for much talk and little knowledge.
  • (nautical) To raise an anchor free of the seabed.
  • (nautical) To weigh anchor.
  • * 1624 , , Generall Historie , in Kupperman 1988, p. 91:
  • Towards the evening we wayed , and approaching the shoare [...], we landed where there lay a many of baskets and much bloud, but saw not a Salvage.
  • *1841 , (Edgar Allan Poe), ‘A Descent into the Maelström’:
  • *:‘Here we used to remain until nearly time for slack-water again, when we weighed and made for home.’
  • To bear up; to raise; to lift into the air; to swing up.
  • * Cowper
  • Weigh the vessel up.
  • (obsolete) To consider as worthy of notice; to regard.
  • * Shakespeare
  • I weigh not you.
  • * Spenser
  • all that she so dear did weigh

    Derived terms

    * weigh down * weigh in/weigh-in * weight * weighty * weigh up * weigh on