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Question vs Mystery - What's the difference?

question | mystery |

As nouns the difference between question and mystery

is that question is a sentence, phrase or word which asks for information, reply or response; an interrogative while mystery is something secret or unexplainable; an unknown.

As a verb question

is to ask questions of; interrogate; enquire; ask for information.


Alternative forms

* (archaic)


(en noun)
  • A sentence, phrase or word which asks for information, reply or response; an interrogative.
  • * , chapter=4
  • , title= Mr. Pratt's Patients , passage=I told him about everything I could think of; and what I couldn't think of he did. He asked about six questions' during my yarn, but every ' question had a point to it. At the end he bowed and thanked me once more. As a thanker he was main-truck high; I never see anybody so polite.}}
  • A subject or topic for consideration or investigation.
  • A doubt or challenge about the truth or accuracy of a matter.
  • The story is true beyond question .
    He obeyed without question .
  • * Bible, John iii. 25
  • There arose a question between some of John's disciples and the Jews about purifying.
  • * Francis Bacon
  • It is to be to question , whether it be lawful for Christian princes to make an invasive war simply for the propagation of the faith.
  • A proposal to a meeting as a topic for deliberation.
  • interrogation by torture
  • * Macaulay
  • The Scottish privy council had power to put state prisoners to the question .
  • (obsolete) Talk; conversation; speech.
  • Made she no verbal question ? Shakespeare King Lear ca. 1606


    * inquiry, enquiry, query, subject, topic, problem, issue, consideration, interrogation, doubt, motion, proposition, proposal

    Derived terms

    * a question of * begging the question * beyond question * bonus question * call into question * chicken-or-egg question * closed-ended question * cross-question * essay question * federal question * in question * indirect question * frequently asked questions/FAQ * leading question * loaded question * multiple-choice question * no questions asked * open question * open-ended question * out of the question * pop the question * previous question * questionable * questionist * questionless * questionnaire * question mark * question-master * question sheet * question time * reverse question * rhetorical question * scaled question * tag question * toss-up question * West Lothian question * yes-no question


  • To ask questions of; interrogate; enquire; ask for information.
  • * Francis Bacon
  • He that questioneth much shall learn much.
  • To raise doubts about; have doubts about.
  • (obsolete) To argue; to converse; to dispute.
  • * Shakespeare
  • I pray you, think you question with the Jew.


    * (l)

    Derived terms

    * questioner

    See also

    * answer * ask * interrogative




    * 1000 English basic words ----




  • Something secret or unexplainable; an unknown.
  • *{{quote-book, year=1927, author= F. E. Penny
  • , chapter=4, title= Pulling the Strings , passage=The case was that of a murder. It had an element of mystery about it, however, which was puzzling the authorities. A turban and loincloth soaked in blood had been found; also a staff.}}
  • Someone or something with an obscure or puzzling nature.
  • * (Jonathan Swift) (1667–1745)
  • If God should please to reveal unto us this great mystery of the Trinity, or some other mysteries in our holy religion, we should not be able to understand them, unless he would bestow on us some new faculties of the mind.
  • * {{quote-book, year=1905, author=
  • , title= , chapter=5 citation , passage=Then I had a good think on the subject of the hocussing of Cigarette, and I was reluctantly bound to admit that once again the man in the corner had found the only possible solution to the mystery .}}
  • (label) A particular event or series of events in the life of Christ.
  • A secret religious celebration, to which none were admitted except those who had been initiated.
  • Synonyms

    * roun (obsolete)

    Derived terms

    * mysterious * mystery play


    * Mysteries: http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1867-c1/ch15.htm
  • S9