In organic compound|lang=en terms the difference between pyrrolizidine and epiaustraline
is that pyrrolizidine is (organic compound) any of a class of alkaloids, found in many plants, that are hepatotoxic while epiaustraline is (organic compound) a tetrahydroxypyrrolizidine alkaloid related to alexine and australine.
As nouns the difference between pyrrolizidine and epiaustraline
is that pyrrolizidine is (organic compound) any of a class of alkaloids, found in many plants, that are hepatotoxic while epiaustraline is (organic compound) a tetrahydroxypyrrolizidine alkaloid related to alexine and australine.
en noun)
(organic compound) A tetrahydroxypyrrolizidine alkaloid related to alexine and australine