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Provocative vs Provoke - What's the difference?

provocative | provoke |

Provoke is a derived term of provocative.

As an adjective provocative

is serving or tending to elicit a strong, often negative sentiment in another person; exasperating.

As a noun provocative

is something that provokes an appetite, especially a sexual appetite; an aphrodisiac.

As a verb provoke is

to cause someone to become annoyed or angry.




(en adjective)
  • Serving or tending to elicit a strong, often negative sentiment in another person; exasperating.
  • Serving or tending to excite, stimulate or arouse sexual interest.
  • Noun

    (en noun)
  • * 1723 , Charles Walker, Memoirs of the Life of Sally Salisbury :
  • She used by way of Provocative , to read the wanton Verses of her (Paramour) in the day time [...].




  • to cause someone to become annoyed or angry.
  • Don't provoke the dog; it may try to bite you.
  • * Bible, Eph. vi. 4
  • Ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath.
  • to bring about a reaction.
  • * J. Burroughs
  • To the poet the meaning is what he pleases to make it, what it provokes in his own soul.
  • *{{quote-news
  • , year=2011 , date=November 12 , author= , title=International friendly: England 1-0 Spain , work=BBC Sport citation , page= , passage=Spain were provoked into a response and Villa almost provided a swift equaliser when he rounded Hart but found the angle too acute and could only hit the side-netting.}}
  • (obsolete) To appeal.
  • (Dryden)


    * (bring about a reaction) bring about, discompose, egg on, engender, evoke, grill, incite, induce, inflame, instigate, invoke, rouse, set off, stir up, whip up

    Derived terms

    * provocation * provocative