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Prop vs Prod - What's the difference?

prop | prod |

As nouns the difference between prop and prod

is that prop is an object placed against or under another, to support it; anything that supports or prop can be (theater|film) an item placed on a stage or set to create a scene or scenario in which actors perform contraction of "property" or prop can be the propeller of an aircraft or prop can be a proposition, especially on an election-day ballot while prod is (slang|sometimes derogatory) a protestant, (as termed by roman catholics), that is in the context of their religious beliefs, or those who have been born in the protestant tradition, or sometimes those implied to be protestant by their political ideology of irish unionism or ulster loyalism.

As a verb prop

is to support or shore up something.



Etymology 1

Akin to German Pfropfen and Danish proppe, compare Latin


(en noun)
  • An object placed against or under another, to support it; anything that supports.
  • They stuck a block of wood under it as a prop .
  • (rugby) The player who is next to the hooker in a scrum.
  • One of the seashells in the game of props.
  • Verb

  • To support or shore up something.
  • Try using a phone book to prop up the table where the foot is missing.

    Etymology 2

    Abbreviation of property.


    (en noun)
  • (theater, film) An item placed on a stage or set to create a scene or scenario in which actors perform. Contraction of "property".
  • They used the trophy as a prop in the movie.
    Usage notes
    * In stagecraft, usually the term (term) is reserved for an object with which an actor or performer interacts (e.g., a glass, a book or a weapon). Larger items adding to the scene, (e.g. chairs) are considered part of the set. * Props are often non-functional. A prop that is required to function is a "practical" prop.

    Etymology 3

    Abbreviation of propeller.


    (en noun)
  • The propeller of an aircraft.
  • Etymology 4

    Abbreviation of proposition.


    (en noun)
  • A proposition, especially on an election-day ballot.
  • Derived terms
    * prop wash * warm prop ----



    (wikipedia prod)


  • To poke, to push, to touch.
  • To encourage, to prompt.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2012-01
  • , author=Michael Riordan , title=Tackling Infinity , volume=100, issue=1, page=86 , magazine= citation , passage=Some of the most beautiful and thus appealing physical theories, including quantum electrodynamics and quantum gravity, have been dogged for decades by infinities that erupt when theorists try to prod their calculations into new domains. Getting rid of these nagging infinities has probably occupied far more effort than was spent in originating the theories.}}


    (en noun)
  • A device (now often electrical) used to goad livestock into moving.
  • A prick or stab with such a pointed instrument.
  • A poke.
  • "It's your turn," she reminded me, giving me a prod on the shoulder.
  • A light kind of crossbow; a prodd.
  • (Fairholt)

    Derived terms

    * cattle prod


    * *