Prone vs Shrimp - What's the difference?
prone | shrimp |
Lying face downward; prostrate.(w)
*:But they had already discovered that he could be bullied, and they had it their own way; and presently Selwyn lay prone upon the nursery floor, impersonating a ladrone while pleasant shivers chased themselves over Drina, whom he was stalking.
Having a downward inclination or slope.
Shooting from a lying down position.
Predisposed, liable, inclined.
Any of many swimming, often edible crustaceans, chiefly of the infraorder Caridea or the suborder Dendrobranchiata, with slender legs, long whiskers and a long abdomen.
* 1851 , "A Lady of Charleston" (Sarah Rutledge), The Carolina Housewife , 2013,
* 1998 , Claude E. Boyd, Pond Aquaculture Water Quality Management ,
* 2011 , Will Holtham, Home Port Cookbook: Beloved Recipes from Martha's Vineyard ,
* 2004 , Gary C. B. Poore, Shane T. Ahyong, Marine Decapod Crustacea of Southern Australia: A Guide to Identification ,
(uncountable) The flesh of such crustaceans.
(slang) A small, puny or unimportant person.
To fish for shrimp .
* 1986 , The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America ,
* 1996 , Anthony V. Margavio, Caught in the Net: The Conflict Between Shrimpers and Conservationists ,
* 2007 , Jerry Wayne Caines, A Caines Family Tradition: A Native Son's Story of Fishing, Hunting and Duck Decoys in the Lowcountry ,
As a verb prone
is .As a noun shrimp is
(soccer) a player, supporter or other person connected with.prone
(en adjective)Derived terms
* prone toAnagrams
* ----shrimp
(wikipedia shrimp)Etymology 1
From Middle English ).Noun
unnumbered page,
- Butter well a deep dish, upon which place a thick layer of pounded biscuit; having picked and boiled your shrimps', put them upon the biscuit; a layer of ' shrimps , with small pieces of butter, a little pepper, mace or nutmeg.
page 605,
- Shrimp' farming is in its infancy in Africa. but Asia has most of the world's ' shrimp farms.
page 142,
- America's favorite seafood, shrimp' has always been a big seller at the Home Port. On any given day, we usually served around 40 to 50 pounds of ' shrimp .
page 145,
- Most shrimps' belong to one of several families of the Infraorder Caridea (Chapter 4). However, coral ' shrimps and Venus shrimps are so different from the rest that a separate infraorder is warranted.
(en verb)page 454,
- Fishing, shrimping and crabbing are permitted on designated areas of the refuge subject to the following conditions:.
page 24,
- Although the line is not always sharply drawn, offshore shrimping' and inshore ' shrimping require different strategies.
page 86,
- There were times we shrimped' in the same boat due to breakdowns and such, but for the most part we each had our own separate boat. We started out using outboard motor boats. However, ' shrimping with an outboard is pretty hard.