Prominent vs Indispensible - What's the difference?
prominent | indispensible |
Standing out, or projecting; jutting; protuberant.
Likely to attract attention from its size or position; conspicuous.
Eminent; distinguished above others.
* {{quote-journal, 2008, date=March 21, Bernd Buldt, Benedikt Löwe and Thomas Müller, Towards a New Epistemology of Mathematics, Erkenntnis, url=, doi=10.1007/s10670-008-9101-6, volume=68, issue=3, pages=
, passage=However, whereas Van Bendegem and Van Kerkhove conclude by saying that experimental methods and an empirical basis form an indispensible backdrop for mathematical practice, Baker goes the other way and says that the fact that mathematicians use experiments in the context of discovery is “compatible with the view that mathematics is a priori and deductive at its core”. }}