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Privacy vs Authentication - What's the difference?

privacy | authentication |

As nouns the difference between privacy and authentication

is that privacy is the state of being private; the state of not being seen by others while authentication is something which validates or confirms the authenticity of something.



  • The state of being private; the state of not being seen by others.
  • :
  • *
  • *:Carried somehow, somewhither, for some reason, on these surging floods, were these travelers,. Even such a boat as the Mount Vernon offered a total deck space so cramped as to leave secrecy or privacy well out of the question, even had the motley and democratic assemblage of passengers been disposed to accord either.
  • See also

    * mind one's own business ----




    (en noun) (wikipedia authentication)
  • something which validates or confirms the authenticity of something
  • (computing) proof of the identity of a user logging on to some network
  • a hallmark or assay-mark on a piece of metalwork