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Principle vs Virtue - What's the difference?

principle | virtue |

In obsolete terms the difference between principle and virtue

is that principle is a beginning while virtue is the inherent power of a god, or other supernatural being.

As nouns the difference between principle and virtue

is that principle is a fundamental assumption while virtue is the inherent power of a god, or other supernatural being.

As a verb principle

is to equip with principles; to establish, or fix, in certain principles; to impress with any tenet or rule of conduct.




(en noun)
  • A fundamental assumption.
  • * {{quote-web, date=2011-07-20, author=Edwin Mares, site=The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, title= Propositional Functions
  • , accessdate = 2012-07-15}}
    Let us consider ‘my dog is asleep on the floor’ again. Frege thinks that this sentence can be analyzed in various different ways. Instead of treating it as expressing the application of __ is asleep on the floor'' to ''my dog'', we can think of it as expressing the application of the concept
         ''my dog is asleep on __''
    to the object
         ''the floor''
    (see Frege 1919). Frege recognizes what is now a commonplace in the logical analysis of natural language. ''We can attribute more than one logical form to a single sentence
    . Let us call this the principle of multiple analyses . Frege does not claim that the principle always holds, but as we shall see, modern type theory does claim this.
  • A rule used to choose among solutions to a problem.
  • (usually, in the plural) Moral rule or aspect.
  • (physics) A rule or law of nature, or the basic idea on how the laws of nature are applied.
  • * {{quote-magazine, year=2013, month=July-August, author= Sarah Glaz
  • , title= Ode to Prime Numbers , volume=101, issue=4, magazine=(American Scientist) , passage=Some poems, echoing the purpose of early poetic treatises on scientific principles , attempt to elucidate the mathematical concepts that underlie prime numbers. Others play with primes’ cultural associations. Still others derive their structure from mathematical patterns involving primes.}}
  • A fundamental essence, particularly one producing a given quality.
  • * Gregory
  • Cathartine is the bitter, purgative principle of senna.
  • (obsolete) A beginning.
  • * (Edmund Spenser)
  • Doubting sad end of principle unsound.
  • A source, or origin; that from which anything proceeds; fundamental substance or energy; primordial substance; ultimate element, or cause.
  • * Tillotson
  • The soul of man is an active principle .
  • An original faculty or endowment.
  • * Stewart
  • those active principles whose direct and ultimate object is the communication either of enjoyment or suffering

    Usage notes

    Principle is always a noun ("moral rule"), but it is often confused with (principal), which can be an adjective ("most important") or a noun ("school principal"). Consult both definitions if in doubt. Incorrect usage: * He is the principle musician in the band * She worked ten years as school principle A mnemonic to avoid this confusion is "The principal'' alphabetic ''principle'' places ''A'' before ''E ".


    * (moral rule or aspect) tenet

    Derived terms

    * agreement in principle * anthropic principle * Aufbau principle * Bernoulli's principle * correspondence principle * cosmological principle * Dilbert principle * dormitive principle * equivalence principle * extractive principle * first principles * Huygens' principle * IBM Pollyanna Principle * Le Chatelier's principle * Mach's principle * matter of principle * Matthew principle * Mitchell principle * on principle * Pareto principle * Pauli exclusion principle * Peter principle * pigeonhole principle * precautionary principle * principle of least action * principle of substitutivity * principled stance * programming principle * reciprocity principle * strong equivalence principle * superposition principle * uncertainty principle * verifiability principle


  • To equip with principles; to establish, or fix, in certain principles; to impress with any tenet or rule of conduct.
  • * L'Estrange
  • Governors should be well principled .
  • * Locke
  • Let an enthusiast be principled that he or his teacher is inspired.



    (wikipedia virtue)

    Alternative forms

    * vertue (archaic)


  • (obsolete) The inherent power of a god, or other supernatural being.
  • The inherent power or efficacy of something (now only in phrases).
  • * 2011 , "The autumn of the patriarchs", The Economist , 17 Feb 2011:
  • many Egyptians still worry that the Brotherhood, by virtue of discipline and experience, would hold an unfair advantage if elections were held too soon.
  • (uncountable) Accordance with moral principles; conformity of behaviour or thought with the strictures of morality; good moral conduct.
  • * 1749 , Henry Fielding, Tom Jones , XV.1:
  • There are a set of religious, or rather moral, writers, who teach that virtue is the certain road to happiness, and vice to misery, in this world.
  • A particular manifestation of moral excellence in a person; an admirable quality.
  • * 1766 , Laurence Sterne, Sermon XLIV:
  • Some men are modest, and seem to take pains to hide their virtues ; and, from a natural distance and reserve in their tempers, scarce suffer their good qualities to be known [...].
  • Specifically, each of several qualities held to be particularly important, including the four cardinal virtues, the three theological virtues, or the seven virtues opposed to the seven deadly sins.
  • * 1813 , John Fleetwood, The Life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ :
  • The divine virtues of truth and equity are the only bands of friendship, the only supports of society.
  • An inherently advantageous or excellent quality of something or someone; a favourable point, an advantage.
  • * 1719 , :
  • There were divers other plants, which I had no notion of or understanding about, that might, perhaps, have virtues of their own, which I could not find out.
  • * 2011 , The Guardian , Letter, 14 Mar 2011
  • One virtue of the present coalition government's attack on access to education could be to reopen the questions raised so pertinently by Robinson in the 1960s [...].
  • A creature embodying divine power, specifically one of the orders of heavenly beings, traditionally ranked above angels and below archangels.
  • * 1667 , John Milton, Paradise Lost , Book X:
  • Thrones, Dominations, Princedoms, Virtues , Powers; / For in possession such, not only of right, / I call ye, and declare ye now [...].
  • (uncountable) Specifically, moral conduct in sexual behaviour, especially of women; chastity.
  • * 1813 , Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice :
  • though she did not suppose Lydia to be deliberately engaging in an elopement without the intention of marriage, she had no difficulty in believing that neither her virtue nor her understanding would preserve her from falling an easy prey.




    * (excellence in morals) vice * foible

    Derived terms

    * virtuous * make a virtue of necessity * patience is a virtue * in virtue of, by virtue of

    See also

    * aretaic * paragon