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Prick vs Pecker - What's the difference?

prick | pecker |

As nouns the difference between prick and pecker

is that prick is a small hole or perforation, caused by piercing while pecker is someone who or something that pecks, striking or piercing in the manner of a bird's beak or bill, particularly.

As a verb prick

is to pierce or puncture slightly.



Etymology 1

From (etyl) prik, prikke, from (etyl) prica, . Pejorative context came from prickers, or witch-hunters.


(en noun)
  • A small hole or perforation, caused by piercing.
  • An indentation or small mark made with a pointed object.
  • (obsolete) A dot or other diacritical mark used in writing; a point.
  • (obsolete) A tiny particle; a small amount of something; a jot.
  • A small pointed object.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Pins, wooden pricks , nails, sprigs of rosemary.
  • * Bible, Acts ix. 5
  • It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks .
  • The experience or feeling of being pierced or punctured by a small, sharp object.
  • I felt a sharp prick as the nurse took a sample of blood.
  • * A. Tucker
  • the pricks of conscience
  • (slang, vulgar) The penis.
  • (slang, pejorative) Someone (especially a man or boy) who is unpleasant, rude or annoying.
  • (now, historical) A small roll of yarn or tobacco.
  • The footprint of a hare.
  • (obsolete) A point or mark on the dial, noting the hour.
  • * Shakespeare
  • the prick of noon
  • (obsolete) The point on a target at which an archer aims; the mark; the pin.
  • * Spenser
  • they that shooten nearest the prick
    Derived terms
    * pricker * prickle * prickly * pricktease * prickteaser

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) .


    (en verb)
  • To pierce or puncture slightly.
  • John hardly felt the needle prick his arm when the adept nurse drew blood.
  • To form by piercing or puncturing.
  • to prick holes in paper
    to prick a pattern for embroidery
    to prick the notes of a musical composition
  • (dated) To be punctured; to suffer or feel a sharp pain, as by puncture.
  • A sore finger pricks .
  • To incite, stimulate, goad.
  • * (rfdate), (Shakespeare), (Two Gentlemen of Verona) , ii. 7.
  • My duty pricks me on to utter that.
  • To affect with sharp pain; to sting, as with remorse.
  • * Bible, Acts ii. 37
  • Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart.
  • * Tennyson
  • I was pricked with some reproof.
  • (archaic) To urge one's horse on; to ride quickly.
  • (Milton)
  • * 1590 , (Edmund Spenser), (The Faerie Queene) , III.1:
  • At last, as through an open plaine they yode, / They spide a knight that towards them pricked fayre [...].
  • * 1881 , :
  • Indeed, it is a memorable subject for consideration, with what unconcern and gaiety mankind pricks on along the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
  • (transitive, chiefly, nautical) To mark the surface of (something) with pricks or dots; especially, to trace a ship’s course on (a chart).
  • (nautical, obsolete) To run a middle seam through the cloth of a sail. (The Universal Dictionary of the English Language, 1896)
  • To make acidic or pungent.
  • (Hudibras)
  • To become sharp or acid; to turn sour, as wine.
  • To aim at a point or mark.
  • (Hawkins)
  • To fix by the point; to attach or hang by puncturing.
  • to prick a knife into a board
  • * Sandys
  • The cooks prick it [a slice] on a prong of iron.
    (Isaac Newton)
  • (obsolete) To mark or denote by a puncture; to designate by pricking; to choose; to mark.
  • * Francis Bacon
  • Some who are pricked for sheriffs.
  • * Sir Walter Scott
  • Let the soldiers for duty be carefully pricked off.
  • * Shakespeare
  • Those many, then, shall die: their names are pricked .
  • To make sharp; to erect into a point; to raise, as something pointed; said especially of the ears of an animal, such as a horse or dog; and usually followed by up .
  • * Dryden
  • The courser pricks up his ears.
  • (obsolete) To dress; to prink; usually with up .
  • (farriery) To drive a nail into (a horse's foot), so as to cause lameness.
  • (Webster 1913)




    (en noun)
  • Someone who or something that pecks, striking or piercing in the manner of a bird's beak or bill, particularly:
  • * 2003 October 18 , The Economist , " Stress Test"
  • Two studies of British civil servants, for example, suggest that those at the top of the heap are less stressed than those near the bottom. Work on other species, too, indicates that when it comes to pecking orders, the peckees are more stressed than the peckers .
  • # Any tool used in a pecking fashion, particularly kinds of hoes or pickaxes.
  • #* 1588 , Thomas Hariot, A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia , sig. C2:
  • The women with short peckers' or parers,... of a foote long and about fiue]] inches in breadth: doe onely breake the vpper part of the ground to rayse vp the weedes, grasse, & old stubbes of corne stalkes with their rootes... For their corne,... with a ' pecker they make a hole, wherein they put foure [[grains, graines.
  • #* 1782 , J. Scott, Poetical Works , page 119:
  • Let sturdy youths their pointed peckers ply,
  • Till the rais'd roots loose on the surface lie.
  • #* 1848 , Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society , 9 ii. 551:
  • A small narrow hoe or pecker'... A small ' hand-pecker .
  • #* 1948 , M. Carbery & E. Grey, Hertfordshire Heritage , page 120:
  • Pecker , small pickaxe for cutting furze.
  • # (uncommon) Any machine or machine part moving in a pecking fashion, particularly:
  • #* 1922 , Whittaker's Mechanical Engineer's Pocket Book , page 368:
  • The upper end of the finger o'' carries a "pecker'''" ''p'', which consists of a hardened steel piece with a V edge. This '''pecker is engaged by any one of several steps or notches in a stepped block (m) carried by the rocking lever ''l .
  • ## (weaving, obsolete) A picker, a shuttle-driver: the device which moves backwards and forwards in the shuttle-box to drive the shuttle through the warp.
  • ##* 1807 , Thomas Johnson, British Patent ? 3023 (1856), 5:
  • #
    The shuttle... receives its motion from the peckers' connected with cords pulled by the ' pecking lever.
  • ##* 1878 , Alfred Barlow, The History and Principles of Weaving by Hand and by Power , x. 136:
  • #
    When the shaft [of the draw-boy] rocks from side to side of the machine, it will carry the pecker ... with it.
  • ## (telegraphy, historical) A kind of V-shaped telegraphic relay.
  • ##* 1858 June 13 , H.C.F. Jenkin, letter in Papers (1887), volume I, page lxxxvi:
  • #
    Click, click, click, the pecker is at work.
  • ##* 1940 , Chambers's Technical Dictionary , 621/1:
  • #
    Pecker , the small cylindrical pin which rises and falls in scanning the holes punched in a slip corresponding to the coding of the message.
  • ## , a rice mill.
  • ##* 1802 , J. Drayton, A view of South Carolina, as respects her natural and civil concerns , page 121:
  • #
    Rice mills, called pecker', cog, and water ' mills ... The first... so called, from the pestle's striking... in the manner of a wood pecker.
  • ##* 1949 , S. C. Murray, This Our Land: the Story of the Agricultural Society of South Carolina , page 41:
  • #
    After being thrashed by flail or whipped off, the rice was milled and dressed wholly by hand or by a crude machine called a ‘pecker ’.
  • # (zoology) A bird, particularly a member of the group of birds including the berrypeckers, flowerpeckers, and woodpeckers.
  • #* 1697 , (John Dryden) translating (Publius Virgilius Maro) as (Georgics) , iv:
  • The Titmouse]], and the Peckers hungry [[brood, Brood.
  • #* 1884 January , George Allen in Longman's Magazine , page 294:
  • By far the greater number of modern birds belong to the... orders of the perchers, the peckers , and the birds of prey.
  • ## ( ).
  • ##* 1883 , J.S. Stallybrass translating (Jacob Grimm) as Teutonic Mythology , volume III, page 973:
  • #
    The pecker was esteemed a sacred and divine bird.
  • ##* 1980 January 20, Washington Post , m1:
  • #
    I've been feeding several downy ’peckers from my short-perched tubes for years.
  • # An eater, a diner.
  • #* 1862 , C.C. Robinson, The Dialect of Leeds & Its Neighbourhood , page 383:
  • He's a rare pecker .
  • #* 1873 , Slang Dictionary :
  • Peck ... A hearty eater is generally called ‘a rare pecker ’.
  • #* 1894 , Mrs. H. Ward, Marcella , II. iv. v. 476:
  • But I've been better iver since, an' beginnin' to eat my vittles, too, though I'm never no great pecker .
  • # A bird's beak or bill.
  • #* 1891 , G. Sweetman, A Glossary of Words used by the rural population in the parish and neighbourhood of Wincanton, Somerset :
  • Pecker , a bird's bill
  • #* 1967 , H. Orton & M. F. Wakelin, A Survey of English dialects B, volume 4:
  • Q. What does a bird peck its food up with?... [Wiltshire] Beak, pecker .
  • # (chiefly, US, regional, slang) Cock, dick; a penis.
  • #* 1902 , J. S. Farmer & W. E. Henley, Slang and Its Analogues (London), V. 289/2:
  • The penis... pecker .
  • #* 1936 , (Henry Miller), , page 142:
  • Ought to stand on (Times Square) with my pecker in my hand and piss in the gutter.
  • #* 1964 , American Folk Music Occasional , i. 12:
  • There is a house down in New Orleans,
  • They call it ,
  • When you want to get your pecker spoilt,
  • That's where you get it done.
  • #* 1990 Fall , Paris Review , volume 32, number 116, page 171:
  • He has the biggest pecker in the pool , politically speaking.
  • A nose.
  • Spirits, nerve, courage.
  • * 1845 September 15 , Times (London), 8/3:
  • Mr. King... misstated the fact in saying that he had put a piece of lighted paper to the master's nose while asleep in that house; it was his hot pipe that he applied to the sleeper's nostrils, at the same time crying: Come, old chap, keep your pecker up .
  • * 1873 , Slang Dictionary :
  • Pecker''''', ‘' keep your Pecker up ’,... literally, keep your beak and head well up, ‘never say die’.
  • * 1875 , , Trial by Jury , 4:
  • Be firm, my moral pecker .
  • * 2003 , , (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix) , page xii:
  • Fred and I managed to keep our peckers up somehow.
  • Short for peckerwood ("whitey; white trash")
  • * 1966 , R.G. Toepfer, Witness , xvi. 127:
  • These peckers know that as well as me.
  • * 1971 , D. Wells & S. Dance, Night People , i. 7:
  • Those cats wouldn't let us get five feet from the Y.M.C.A.]] Like real peckers , they'd say, ‘If I had you [[w:American South, down South.’
  • Short for peckerhead ("dickhead; an aggressive or objectionable idiot").
  • * 2013 , Sean Moore, "Sat Phone Black Op" in Outside the Wire , 41:
  • Goddammit! I give you peckers an inch and you automatically take a mile
  • (US) ("an electric motor's junction or terminal connection box, where power cords are connected to the winding leads").
  • Synonyms

    * (penis) See * (courage) See * (connection box) pothead (Canada); T-box, T-block (UK)

    Derived terms

    (Derived terms) * berrypecker * flowerpecker * keep one's pecker up * pecker checker * peckerhead, pecker-head, pecker head * pecker mill * peckerwood * pecky * rare pecker * woodpecker


    * Oxford English Dictionary'', 3rd ed. "pecker, ''n. " Oxford University Press (Oxford), 2005.