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Presumed vs Precognition - What's the difference?

presumed | precognition |

As a verb presumed

is (presume).

As an adjective presumed

is appearing to be the most probable, often with some preparations starting to be made for it.

As a noun precognition is

(parapsychology) the ability to foresee the future.




  • (presume)
  • Adjective

    (en adjective)
  • appearing to be the most probable, often with some preparations starting to be made for it.
  • Anagrams




  • (parapsychology) The ability to foresee the future.
  • (parapsychology) Knowledge of an event that is to occur in the future.
  • (Scotland) The practice of taking a factual statement from a witness before a trial.
  • Synonyms

    * clairvoyance

    Derived terms

    * precognitive