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What is the difference between present and current?

present | current |

Current is a synonym of present.

In obsolete terms the difference between present and current

is that present is favorably attentive; propitious while current is running or moving rapidly.

As adjectives the difference between present and current

is that present is relating to now, for the time being; current while current is existing or occurring at the moment.

As nouns the difference between present and current

is that present is the current moment or period of time while current is the part of a fluid that moves continuously in a certain direction.

As a verb present

is to bring (someone) into the presence of (a person); to introduce formally.



Alternative forms

* (archaic or pedantic) *

Etymology 1

(wikipedia present) From (etyl), from (etyl), from (etyl) praesent-, praesens present participle of .


  • Relating to now, for the time being; current.
  • The barbaric practice continues to the present day.
  • * , chapter=12
  • , title= The Mirror and the Lamp , passage=All this was extraordinarily distasteful to Churchill. It was ugly, gross. Never before had he felt such repulsion when the vicar displayed his characteristic bluntness or coarseness of speech. In the present connexion […] such talk had been distressingly out of place.}}
  • Located in the immediate vicinity.
  • (obsolete) Having an immediate effect (of a medicine, poison etc.); fast-acting.
  • *, II.5.1.v:
  • Amongst this number of cordials and alteratives I do not find a more present remedy than a cup of wine or strong drink, if it be soberly and opportunely used.
  • (obsolete) Not delayed; immediate; instant.
  • * Shakespeare
  • a present pardon
  • * Massinger
  • An ambassadordesires a present audience.
  • (dated) Ready; quick in emergency.
  • a present wit
  • (obsolete) Favorably attentive; propitious.
  • * Dryden
  • to find a god so present to my prayer
    * (in vicinity) absent
    Derived terms
    * all present and correct * at present * at the present time * present company excepted * presently * present participle * present tense


    (en noun)
  • The current moment or period of time.
  • The present tense.
  • Derived terms
    * no time like the present * present-day

    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) presenten'', from (etyl) ''presenter'', from (etyl) ''presentare'' "to show", from (etyl) ''praesent-, praesens'' present participle of ''praeesse "to be in front of".


    (en noun)
  • A gift, especially one given for birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries, graduations, weddings, or any other special occasions.
  • * , chapter=7
  • , title= The Mirror and the Lamp , passage=“A very welcome, kind, useful present , that means to the parish. By the way, Hopkins, let this go no further. We don't want the tale running round that a rich person has arrived. Churchill, my dear fellow, we have such greedy sharks, and wolves in lamb's clothing. […]”}}
  • (military) The position of a soldier in presenting arms.
  • Verb

    (en verb)
  • To bring (someone) into the presence of (a person); to introduce formally.
  • to present an envoy to the king
  • To nominate (a member of the clergy) for an ecclesiastical benefice; to offer to the bishop or ordinary as a candidate for institution.
  • To offer (a problem, complaint) to a court or other authority for consideration.
  • * 1971 , , Religion and the Decline of Magic , Folio Society 2012, p. 71:
  • In the diocese of Gloucester in 1548 two inhabitants of Slimbridge were presented for saying that holy oil was ‘of no virtue but meet to grease sheep’.
  • (reflexive) To come forward, appear in a particular place or before a particular person, especially formally.
  • * Bible, Job i. 6
  • Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the lord.
  • To put (something) forward in order for it to be seen; to show, exhibit.
  • * Alexander Pope
  • So ladies in romance assist their knight, / Present the spear, and arm him for the fight.
  • To make clear to one's mind or intelligence; to put forward for consideration.
  • * 1927 , (Arthur Conan Doyle), The Case-book of Sherlock Holmes :
  • I do begin to realize that the matter must be presented in such a way as may interest the reader.
  • * {{quote-magazine, date=2012-01
  • , author=Steven Sloman , title=The Battle Between Intuition and Deliberation , volume=100, issue=1, page=74 , magazine= citation , passage=Libertarian paternalism is the view that, because the way options are presented' to citizens affects what they choose, society should ' present options in a way that “nudges” our intuitive selves to make choices that are more consistent with what our more deliberative selves would have chosen if they were in control.}}
  • To put on, stage (a play etc.).
  • The theater is proud to present the Fearless Fliers.
  • (military) To point (a firearm) at something, to hold (a weapon) in a position ready to fire.
  • (reflexive) To offer oneself for mental consideration; to occur to the mind.
  • Well, one idea does present itself.
  • (medicine) To appear (in a specific way) for delivery (of a fetus); to appear first at the mouth of the uterus during childbirth.
  • (medicine) To come to the attention of medical staff, especially with a specific symptom.
  • The patient presented with insomnia.
  • To act as presenter on (a radio, television programme etc.).
  • Anne Robinson presents "The Weakest Link".
  • To give a gift or presentation to (someone).
  • She was presented with an honorary degree for her services to entertainment.
  • To give (a gift or presentation) to someone; to bestow.
  • * Cowper
  • My last, least offering, I present thee now.
  • To deliver (something abstract) as though as a gift; to offer.
  • I presented my compliments to Lady Featherstoneshaw.
  • To hand over (a bill etc.) to be paid.
  • Derived terms
    * present arms






    (en noun)
  • The part of a fluid that moves continuously in a certain direction.
  • (electricity) The time rate of flow of electric charge.
  • :* Symbol': '''''I (inclined upper case letter "I")
  • :* Units:
  • :: SI: ampere (A)
  • :: CGS: esu/second (esu/s)
  • A tendency or a course of events.
  • Synonyms

    * (part of a fluid that moves continuously in a certain direction ): flow, stream * (time rate of flow of electric charge ): electric current * (tendency or course of events ): flow, stream, tendency

    Derived terms

    * undercurrent


  • Existing or occurring at the moment.
  • *{{quote-magazine, date=2013-07-19, author=(Timothy Garton Ash)
  • , volume=189, issue=6, page=18, magazine=(The Guardian Weekly) , title= Where Dr Pangloss meets Machiavelli , passage=Hidden behind thickets of acronyms and gorse bushes of detail, a new great game is under way across the globe. Some call it geoeconomics, but it's geopolitics too. The current power play consists of an extraordinary range of countries simultaneously sitting down to negotiate big free trade and investment agreements.}}
  • Generally accepted, used, practiced, or prevalent at the moment.
  • * Arbuthnot
  • That there was current money in Abraham's time is past doubt.
  • *{{quote-magazine, date=2013-06-22, volume=407, issue=8841, page=68, magazine=(The Economist)
  • , title= T time , passage=The ability to shift profits to low-tax countries by locating intellectual property in them
  • (obsolete) Running or moving rapidly.
  • * Gower
  • Like the current fire, that renneth / Upon a cord.
  • * Tennyson
  • To chase a creature that was current then / In these wild woods, the hart with golden horns.


    * (existing or occurring at the moment ): present * (generally accepted, used, practiced, or prevalent at the moment ): fashionable, prevailing, prevalent, rife, up-to-date


    * (existing or occurring at the moment ): future, past * (generally accepted, used, practiced, or prevalent at the moment ): out-of-date, unfashionable