Potato vs Hat - What's the difference?
potato | hat |
A plant tuber, Solanum tuberosum , eaten as a starchy vegetable, particularly in the Americas and Europe
(informal, UK) A conspicuous hole in a sock or stocking
A covering for the head, often in the approximate form of a cone or a cylinder closed at its top end, and sometimes having a brim and other decoration.
*:There was a neat hat -and-umbrella stand, and the stranger's weary feet fell soft on a good, serviceable dark-red drugget, which matched in colour the flock-paper on the walls.
(lb) A particular role or capacity that a person might fill.
*1993 , Susan Loesser, A Most Remarkable Fella: Frank Loesser and the Guys and Dolls in His Life: A Portrait by His Daughter , Hal Leonard Corporation (2000), ISBN 978-0-634-00927-3,
*:My mother was wearing several hats in the early fifties: hostess, scout, wife, and mother.
(lb) Any receptacle from which numbers/names are pulled out in a lottery.
# The lottery or draw itself.
(lb) A hat switch.
*2002 , Ernest Pazera, Focus on SDL , p.139:
*:The third type of function allows you to check on the state of the joystick's buttons, axes, hats , and balls.
*1997 October 6th, “
*:I’lll have to leave it up to antiques experts to tell you when objects were marked that way, but I can tell you it’s called a “hacek” (with the hat' over the “c” and pronounced “hacheck”.) It is used to show that a “c” is pronounced as “ch” and an “s” as “sh.” Sometimes linguists just call it the “' hat .”
As a noun potato
is a plant tuber, solanum tuberosum , eaten as a starchy vegetable, particularly in the americas and europe.As a verb hat is
(wikipedia potato)Noun
* (plant) spud (slang)Derived terms
* air potato, air-potato * almond potato * Amandine potato * Andean potato latent virus * Andean potato mottle virus * Anna potatoes * apple potato bread * baby potato * baked potato * baking potato * bastard potato * Bengal potatoes * Bintje potato * black potato * blue potato * boiling potato * Bordet-Gengou potato blood agar * Brazilian potato tree * Burbank potato, Burbank Russet potato * Canada potato * Canarian wrinkly potatoes * Caribe potato * Carolina potato * chat potatoes * chef's potato * Chilean potato-tree, Chilean potato vine * Chilian potato * Chinese potato * clean potato * cold-potato routing * coleus potato * Colorado potato beetle * couch potato * Cree potato * Cuban sweet potato * Delmonico potato * duchess potatoes, duchesse potatoes * duck potato * false potato beetle * fauxtato * fingerling potato * finger potato * frafra potato * French-fried potatoes * giant potato creeper * glasshouse and potato aphid * Greenfield potatoes * Hausa potato * hog potato * hog's potato * home-fried potatoes * hot potato * Idaho potato * Indian potato * Irish potato * Irish potato bread * * jacket potato * Japanese potato * Jersey Royal potatoes * Jerusalem potato * little potato * Livingstone potato * long white potato * low-starch potato * Lyonnaise potatoes * Madagascar potato * mashed potato, mashed potatoes * meat and potatoes * meat and potato pie * Mexican potato * mouse potato * * native potato * new potato * O'Brien potatoes * oca potato * * pineapple potato * potater * potato aphid * potato apple, potato-apple * potato aucuba mosaic virus * potato badger * potato-ball * potato bean, potato-bean * potato beetle, potato-beetle * potato black ringspot virus * potato blight * potato blood agar * potato-bogle * potato-box * potato bread * potato bug, potato-bug * potato cake, potato-cake * potato cannon * potato chips * potato clay * potato creeper * potato crisps * potato curl * potato cyst * potato cyst nematode * potato deforming mosaic virus * potato dextrose agar * potato dextrose broth * potato disease * potato dumpling * potato-eater * potato-eel * potatoes and point * potatoey * potato-eye * potato failure * potato family * potato famine * potato farls * potato fly * potato fern * potato finger * potato flake * potato flour * potato-fly * potato fork * potato fungus * potato grant * potato gun * potato-headed * potato hook * potato-jaw * potato kugel * potato late blight * potato latent virus * potato latke * potato leafhopper * potato leaf roll virus, potato leafroll virus * potato lectin * potatoless * potato-loaf * potato masher, potato-masher * potato mildew * potato-mill * potato mop-top virus * potato mold, potato mould * potato mosaic * potato moth * potato-mouth * potato-mouthed * potato murrain * potato nose, potato-nose * potato nuggets * potato oat * potato of Canada * potato oil * potato onion * potato pancake * potato paradox * potato patch * potato peel * potato peeler, potato-peeler * potato peelings * potato pen * potato pie * potato pit * potato plant * potato pretender * potato psyllid * potato pudding * potato puff * potato race * potato ricer * potato ring, potato-ring * potato-root * potato root nematode * potato rot * potato rot nematode * potato rugose mosaic * potato salad * potato scab * potato scab bacteria * potato scone * potato-scoop * potato set * potato-shop * potato-sick * potato spindle tuber viroid * potato spirit, potato-spirit * potato split-worm * potato-spraying * potato-stalk weevil * potato starch * potato stem mottle * potato stick * potato straw * potato sugar * potato trap, potato-trap * potato tree, potato-tree * potato tuber moth * potato tuber nematode * potato tuberworm * potato tumor, potato tumour * potato vine * potato virus A * potato virus M * potato virus S * potato virus T * potato virus U * potato virus V * potato virus X * potato virus Y * * potato wart * potato wart fungus * potato weevil * potato whisky * potato-woman * potato worm * potato yam * potato yellow dwarf * potato yellow dwarf virus, potato yellow-dwarf virus * potato yellowing virus * potato yellow mosaic virus * potato yellow vein virus * * prairie potato * Price's potato-bean * prickly potato * purple Peruvian potato * purple potato * red-skinned potato * red potato * red round potato * Russet Burbank potato * russet potato * salt potatoes * scalloped potatoes * sea potato * seaside potato * seed potato * Spanish potato * small potato, small potatoes, small potatoes and a few in a hill, small potatoes and a few in the hill * scalloped potatoes * shoestring potatoes * smashed potatoes * starchy potato * Sudan potato * swamp potato * sweet potato * tater * Telinga potato * telingo potato * ten-lined potato beetle * Uruguay potato * Uruguay potato vine * Virginia potato, Virginian potato * Vivaldi potato * waxy potato * white potato * white potato vine * white round potato * wild potato * wild potato mosaic virus * wild potato vine, wild sweet potato vine * wild sweet potato * yellow dwarf of potato * Yellow Finn potato * Yellow Finnish potato * yellow potato * Yukon Gold potato * Zulu potato, Zulu round potatohat
(en noun)p.121:
Patricia V. Lehman]” (user name), [https://groups.google.com/group/rec.antiques/topics?hl=en rec.antiques] (Usenet newsgroup), “[https://groups.google.com/group/rec.antiques/browse_thread/thread/67b2bb8b89588055/8496fc478c032593?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&q=%22hat%22#8496fc478c032593 Re: Unusual Mark – made in Cechoslovakia]”, [https://groups.google.com/group/rec.antiques/msg/8496fc478c032593?hl=en&dmode=source&output=gplain Message ID: <34390399.BD7@umich.edu>#1/1