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Postulate vs Require - What's the difference?

postulate | require |

As a noun postulate

is .

As a verb require is

(label) to ask (someone) for something; to request.



(en noun)
  • Something assumed without proof as being self-evident or generally accepted, especially when used as a basis for an argument.
  • A fundamental element; a basic principle.
  • (logic) An axiom.
  • A requirement; a prerequisite.
  • Verb

  • To assume as a truthful or accurate premise or axiom, especially as a basis of an argument.
  • * 1883 , , Prop. XXII,
  • But this pleasure or pain is postulated to come to us accompanied by the idea of an external cause;
  • * 1911 , Encyclopædia Britannica , "",
  • [T]he attempt to arrive at a physical explanation of existence led the Ionian thinkers to postulate various primal elements or simply the infinite ?? ???????.
  • (ambitransitive, Christianity, historical) To appoint or request one's appointment to an ecclesiastical office.
  • * 1874 , John Small (ed.), The Poetical Works of Gavin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld , Vol 1, p. xvi
  • [A]lthough Douglas was postulated to it [the Abbacy of Arbroath], and signed letters and papers under this designation his nomination was never completed.
  • (ambitransitive, obsolete) To request, demand or claim for oneself.
  • Adjective

  • Postulated.
  • (Hudibras)
    English heteronyms ----




  • (label) To ask (someone) for something; to request.
  • *, Bk.XI:
  • *:I requyre yow lete vs be sworne to gyders that neuer none of vs shalle after this day haue adoo with other, and there with alle syre Tristram and sire Lamorak sware that neuer none of hem shold fyghte ageynst other nor for wele, nor for woo.
  • *1526 , Bible , tr. William Tyndale, Mark V:
  • *:I requyre the in the name of god, that thou torment me nott.
  • To demand, to insist upon (having); to call for authoritatively.
  • *1998 , Joan Wolf, The Gamble , Warner Books:
  • *:"I am Miss Newbury," I announced, "and I require to be shown to my room immediately, if you please."
  • *2009 , Vikram Dodd, The Guardian , 29 December:
  • *:‘Regrettably, I have concluded, after considering the matter over Christmas, that I can no longer maintain the high standard of service I require of myself, meet the demands of office and cope with the pressures of public life, without my health deteriorating further.’
  • Naturally to demand (something) as indispensable; to need, to call for as necessary.
  • *1972 , "Aid for Aching Heads", Time , 5 June:
  • *:Chronic pain is occasionally a sign of a very serious problem, like brain tumors, and can require surgery.
  • *2009 , Julian Borger, The Guardian , 7 February:
  • *:A weapon small enough to put on a missile would require uranium enriched to more than 90% U-235.
  • To demand of (someone) to do something.
  • *1970 , "Compulsory Midi", Time , 29 June:
  • *:After Aug 3 all salesgirls will be required to wear only one style of skirt while on duty: the midi.
  • *2007 , Allegra Stratton, "Smith to ban non-EU unskilled immigrants from working in UK", The Guardian , 5 December:
  • *:The government would like to require non-British fiances who wish to marry a British citizen to sit an English test.