Politicide vs Politicize - What's the difference?
politicide | politicize |
Political suicide
* {{quote-news, 2009, January 23, , Qaddafi’s Solution: A State of ‘Isratine’, New York Times
, passage=With an immediate Arab majority over the Jews, it would be instant politicide for the Israeli government. }}
Political killing
* {{quote-news, 2002, May 20, Samantha Power, A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide, Washington Post
, passage=Certainly, one could imagine this kind of systematic denial of the resources required to live as a form of politicide -- or political genocide.}}
To discuss politics
To give something political characteristics; to turn into a political issue
To make someone politically active or aware
As a noun politicide
is political suicide.As a verb politicize is
to discuss politics.politicide